Honeywell iGSMV
AlarmNet Dual Path Alarm Monitoring Communicator

This product is not sold by Alarm Grid at this time. As an alternative, we recommend:
The Honeywell iGSMV dual path alarm monitoring communicator that uses both internet communications and cellular GSM communications has been discontinued and replaced by the newer iGSMV4G dual path communicator. The iGSMV was the only standalone dual path alarm monitoring communicator offered by Honeywell’s AlarmNet division but now with the 3G and 4G capable iGSMV4G, the iGSMV has become dated. Anyone with an existing iGSMV should replace their communicator with an iGSMV4G.
You can upgrade most any Honeywell VISTA Series control panel with the iGSMV to take advantage of AlarmNet’s dual path alarm monitoring service. Dual path alarm monitoring uses your broadband internet service as the primary alarm communication path. However, unlike internet alarm communicators which stop working whenever your internet service goes down, the iGSMV dual path alarm communicator will automatically switch over to the backup cellular alarm communication path as soon as it detects a fault with the internet path so that your Honeywell security system never loses its link to Alarm Grid’s central station. Once the internet service is restored, the iGSMV will automatically switch back to the faster internet alarm communication path. The ability to provide both internet and cellular alarm communications within one device makes the iGSMV an extremely secure and reliable alarm monitoring communicator.
The advantage of internet alarm monitoring communicators is that the communication speed is faster than that of cellular alarm communicators. The disadvantage is that internet alarm monitoring is not as reliable as cellular alarm monitoring. As internet communicators rely on your home network’s modem and router, you need to ensure those devices have a battery backup to prevent communication failures during extended power outages. Also, as internet wires are normally exposed on the outside of your home, internet alarm monitoring is susceptible to the same line tampering problems as phone line alarm monitoring. On the other hand, cellular alarm communicators have the advantage of using wireless GSM network for communications so there are no wires that can be cut or tampered with. Also, cellular alarm communicators don’t rely on any other devices or service aside from the security system they are monitoring. The only disadvantages of cellular alarm communicators are that the communication speed is slightly slower than internet communications and, as there is a cellular SIM card providing the GSM service, the cost of service is slightly higher. Dual path alarm monitoring communicators, like the AlarmNet iGSMV, bring together both internet and cellular communications so that you can enjoy the advantages without worrying about the disadvantages of each individual communication path. Your alarm signals are sent to Alarm Grid’s central station as fast as possible under normal conditions, but if something happens to the local internet signal, the more reliable cellular path takes over to ensure the alarm signal is received by an Alarm Grid’s central station operator.
Just like all AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicators, the Honeywell iGSMV is also compatible with AlarmNet’s Total Connect interactive service. Total Connect is an optional service that allows you to stay connected to your Honeywell security system even when you are not home. You can remotely control your security system from any web browser or iPhone®, iPad®, Blackberry® or Android™ device using your Total Connect account. The Total Connect service can also send you instant text messages or emails based on different security system events. Now you can be immediately alerted every time your security system is activated, armed or disarmed. With Total Connect, you can leave your home with confidence knowing that you will be alerted as soon as an emergency arises. The iGSMV is compatible with the newer Total Connect 2.0 service as long as your Honeywell security system is Total Connect 2.0 compatible.
Brand: Honeywell