Honeywell AlarmNet and Total Connect 2.0
Total Connect is AlarmNet's most sought after product. Giving you access to the remote system control that you've always wanted. Make sure that your security system is as accessible at home as it is when you're away when you use Total Connect to control your system from your phone or computer.
Giving you the ability to setup texts and emails whenever a system event occurs, AlarmNet's Total Connect will ensure that your access to security is as good as your access to a phone or computer. If you like the idea of having complete access to your home in your pocket, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Total Connect today!
Alarm Grid, in partnership with Criticom Monitoring Services, provides the most reliable and secure central station monitoring in the industry by offering the redundancy of 3 networked and load balanced monitoring facilities (NJ, FL and CA). Alarm Grid will monitor unlimited zones so you can be sure your family and property are safe and protected at all times while making you eligible for a homeowner’s insurance discount which can sometimes even cover the cost of your monitoring service. All of our UL Listed Central Station plans connect your system to a live operator 24/7 who can call the proper authorities for dispatching in case of a confirmed break-in, fire, or any other type of emergency. Alarm Grid is always there when you need us and best of all, we have no activation fees, no contracts, and no hidden charges!
Basic Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Landline or Internet Monitoring
per month
Interactive Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Internet Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation

per month
- UL Listed Central Station
- Cellular Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Video & Cellular Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Cellular Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation
- Video Surveillance

per month
While we always encourage central station service, some security system owners do not need or want a central station involved. Alarm Grid’s self monitoring plans are less expensive and allow access to the great features offered by Total Connect,, or Telguard without being connected to the central station. Additionally, aside from Self Bronze, all of Alarm Grid’s self monitoring plans allow remote access to the robust home automation options made available through a Z-Wave enabled security system. Whether you live in a region where central station service is not available or desired, self monitoring (offered world wide via internet communications) is a cost effective option for keeping you connected and up to date with your professional security system.
Self Bronze
Basic Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Internet Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web

per month
Self Silver
Z-Wave Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Internet Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Self Gold
Cellular Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Cellular Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Self Platinum
Video & Cellular Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Cellular Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation
- Video Surveillance

per month
Feature Explanation
E-mail & Phone AlertsWith over 125 years of innovation, Honeywell is a global leader in the security industry with a proven record of manufacturing the highest quality alarm products. The Honeywell brand name is synonymous with reliability and advanced technology. For this reason, professional and DIY alarm installers everywhere prefer VISTA Series and LYNX Series alarm control panels over any other security system available. In 1986, Honeywell took their security business a step further by developing AlarmNet, their alternative alarm communication division. With AlarmNet, Honeywell now provides the most secure and advanced alarm communications for their industry leading security systems. Combining a Honeywell security system with an AlarmNet alarm communicator is the best way you can protect your family and your property.
AlarmNet utilizes internet and cellular technology to transmit alarm signals from Honeywell security systems into AlarmNet’s Network Control Center and then onto a central station. The Network Control Center is a huge network of servers that process alarm signals, route them on to an AlarmNet capable central station and also provide you the ability to control your Honeywell security system from any web enabled device.
A huge advantage of adding a Honeywell alarm communicator backed by AlarmNet’s alternative communications network is that you no longer need traditional phone service to have your security system monitored by a central station. As more and more people abandon their landline phone service and rely solely on VoIP or cellular phone service, traditional phone lines will soon become obsolete. Many people that would otherwise cancel their phone service, continue to pay an expensive phone bill because they mistakenly believe they need that service for the central station monitoring of their security system. AlarmNet internet, cellular and dual path (internet backed by cellular) alarm monitoring communicators provide an alternative alarm communication path for your security system so that you can now free yourself from the burden of paying for your landline phone service.
Being able to have your security system monitored without a phone line is only one advantage of using an AlarmNet communicator. The other major advantage is that by installing an AlarmNet alarm communicator, you are able to sign up for AlarmNet’s Total Connect service. Total Connect is an interactive alarm monitoring service that keeps you connected to your security system in a way that was never possible with traditional landline monitoring. Whether you have an internet, cellular or dual path AlarmNet communicator, a Total Connect account allows you to use any internet enabled device to remotely control your Honeywell security system. In addition to being able to arm and disarm your system, you can also use your Total Connect account to set up instant email and/or text message notifications that keep you constantly updated on all changes with your security system. With a free Total Connect application available on iPhone®, iPad®, Blackberry® and Android devices, your AlarmNet alarm communicator will keep you connected to your Honeywell security system from anywhere!
Here at Alarm Grid, we specialize in Honeywell security systems and AlarmNet alarm monitoring. Call us today at 888-818-7728 to speak with a security consultant who can help you design a new Honeywell security system backed by an AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicator. If you already have a Honeywell security system, an Alarm Grid security consultant can also help you upgrade your system so that you can take advantage of all of the exciting features AlarmNet has to offer.
While all AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicators need to be activated through an AlarmNet dealer, Alarm Grid is a unique AlarmNet dealer because we offer customized alarm monitoring plans that allow you to choose exactly the level of service you desire. Our bronze Self Monitoring plan for $10/month allows you to sign up for AlarmNet’s Total Connect service without needing to pay extra for central station monitoring service. All of the AlarmNet internet alarm monitoring communicators are compatible with Alarm Grid’s Self Monitoring plan. If you have an AlarmNet cellular or dual path alarm monitoring communicator and you want a Self Monitoring plan, you will need to sign up for the self gold plan at $25/month.
Free yourself from your landline and call Alarm Grid today to sign up for an alarm monitoring plan powered by Honeywell’s AlarmNet network.