Security Signs & Stickers

Security signs and stickers are crucial for anyone getting started with home or business security. While an alarm system is certainly very important, security signs and stickers don't receive enough love of their own. Remember, it isn't your security system that is going to discourage an intruder from attempting a break-in. That is a job for your security signs and stickers. When an intruder walks up to your home or business and sees "Protected by Alarm Grid", they will know that they better try another location. These signs and stickers let dangerous individuals know that you mean business, and they will know not to mess with your property.
We know that part of the allure of owning an alarm system means that you can catch any and all intruders who dare to violate your private property. But trust us when we say that one of your top priorities should be preventing break-ins entirely. Even if the police manage to catch an intruder, they might still cause thousands of dollars in property damage and destroy possessions that simply cannot be replaced. Having to suffer through a home invasion is something that nobody should ever experience. You will spend hours in court testifying, and it's a major inconvenience. You should do everything you can to prevent burglaries in the first place. The best way to do this is with some security yard signs and door and window security stickers.
Your security system is important. This equipment proves that your signs stickers are not bluffs. If anyone does break-in to your home or business, you will need an alarm system. This equipment will allow you to receive an automatic response from your local police department, as long as your monitoring plan includes central station service. If your monitoring plan includes access to an interactive monitoring platform like Total Connect 2.0 or, you can even receive text and/or email alerts regarding any system activity. But remember, your security system is tucked away somewhere inside your building. Your security system won't be visible to scare off intruders. But security yard signs and stickers will be visible.
When an intruder sees a security yard sign or a security sticker, they are certain to think twice about any robbery. In fact, this is how most home invasions are prevented in the first place. Even if you have a top-of-the-line security system, there is no reason why you would want an intruder to try and break into your property. You should use security signs and stickers to try and prevent these actions entirely. In fact, you can even use security signs and stickers without being monitored or owning an alarm system. But we're not responsible if an intruder decides to call your bluff. Your best course of action is to have security signs and stickers to prevent any intruders from attempting break-ins. You should then have a monitoring system ready to go, just in case someone is foolish enough to try and violate your property.