Battery Operated Heat Alarm Sensors Product Manuals

Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat
detectors be located throughout a protected premise
following the recommendations of the current edition of
the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72,
National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), manufacturer’s
recommendations, state and local codes, and the
recommendations contained in Guide for the Proper Use of
System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no
charge to all installing dealers.

Resideo PROSIXHEATV - Install Guide - Dated 01/2021 Rev. A

The Interlogix HDX-Series Wireless Heat Detector install Guide teaches users how to install an HDX-Series Heat Sensor. The instructions apply to the HDX-15-345, and information for mounting to the wall or ceiling and programming to the system is shown. Learn how to install an HDX-Series Heat Sensor.

The Interlogix SDX-135Z Wireless Smoke and Freeze Sensor Data Sheet provides important information regarding the SDX-135Z. This includes any device specifications and product dimensions, as well as a basic overview of how the sensor should be used. Learn about the Interlogix SDX-135Z Wireless Smoke.

The Interlogix SDX-135Z User Guide teaches users how to get started with their new smoke detector and freeze sensor. The guide includes information on choosing a mounting location, how to test the device and how to perform basic maintenance. Learn how to use your Interlogix SDX-135-Z Wireless Smoke.