Fluorescent Dimmer for Hi Lume or Eco 10 Ballasts

Fluorescent Dimmer for Hi-lume
or Eco-10
(Eco-Series) Ballasts
• Fluorescent lamps such as the GE Watt-Miser
Osram/Sylvania SuperSaver
or Philips Econ-o-watt
are promoted as energy-saving alternatives to
commonly manufactured fluorescent lamps of a
particular wattage.
• The required minimum lamp wattage is indicated
on the ballast. If a lamp of a lesser wattage is used,
the ballast will not properly control the lamp.
The VPH08/VPH06 dimmer is designed to
operate all Hi-lume
and Eco-10
ballasts. The
the VPH08/VPH06 dimmer, have
minimum load requirements.
• Ensure that the fluorescent lamp is of a type
controllable by the ballast. The ballast indicates the
lamp type and wattage it is capable of controlling.
• By using the correct minimum lamp load as indicated
on the ballast, the ballast will operate properly and
the Vizia +™ VPH08/VPH06 will provide ON/OFF
switching and full-range dimming control.
Vizia +™ VPH08-1L/VPH06-7L Fluorescent Dimmer
Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.
59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362-2591
Telephone: 1-800-323-8920 • FAX: 1-800-832-9538 • Tech Line (8:30AM-7:30PM E.S.T. Monday-Friday): 1-800-824-3005
Visit our Website at: www.leviton.com
© 2007 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.
Covered by one or more U.S. and Foreign Patents and patents pending.
The Leviton Vizia +™ VPH08-1L and VPH06-7L Fluorescent Dimmers are specifically designed
for use with Hi-lume
or Eco-10
(Eco-Series) ballasts. When an energy saving type lamp is
used, the VPH08/VPH06 dimmers may not turn the lamp ON. This condition is not due to a
dimmer malfunction. The energy saving type lamp does
meet the minimum wattage
requirement of the ballast.
Vizia +™ is a trademark of Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Covered by one or more U.S. and Foreign Patents and patents pending.
is a registered trademark of General Electric.
is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA, Inc.
is a registered trademark of Philips Lighting Company.
and Eco-10
are registered trademarks of Lutron Electronics, Inc.
of 1

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Document Transcript

1. TECHNICAL APPLICATION NOTEFluorescent Dimmer for Hi-lume®or Eco-10® (Eco-Series) BallastsDEFINITION Vizia +™ VPH08-1L/VPH06-7L Fluorescent DimmerThe Leviton Vizia +™ VPH08-1L and VPH06-7L Fluorescent Dimmers are specifically designedfor use with Hi-lume® or Eco-10® (Eco-Series) ballasts. When an energy saving type lamp isused, the VPH08/VPH06 dimmers may not turn the lamp ON. This condition is not due to adimmer malfunction. The energy saving type lamp does not meet the minimum wattagerequirement of the ballast.DESCRIPTION• Fluorescent lamps such as the GE Watt-Miser®, Osram/Sylvania SuperSaver® or Philips Econ-o-watt® are promoted as energy-saving alternatives to commonly manufactured fluorescent lamps of a particular wattage.• The required minimum lamp wattage is indicated on the ballast. If a lamp of a lesser wattage is used, the ballast will not properly control the lamp.NOTE: The VPH08/VPH06 dimmer is designed tooperate all Hi-lume® and Eco-10® ballasts. Theballasts, not the VPH08/VPH06 dimmer, haveminimum load requirements.SOLUTION• Ensure that the fluorescent lamp is of a type controllable by the ballast. The ballast indicates the lamp type and wattage it is capable of controlling.• By using the correct minimum lamp load as indicated on the ballast, the ballast will operate properly and the Vizia +™ VPH08/VPH06 will provide ON/OFF switching and full-range dimming control. VPH08-1L/VPH06-7LVizia +™ is a trademark of Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Covered by one or more U.S. and Foreign Patents and patents pending.Watt-Miser® is a registered trademark of General Electric.SuperSaver® is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA, Inc.Econ-o-watt® is a registered trademark of Philips Lighting Company.Hi-lume® and Eco-10® are registered trademarks of Lutron Electronics, Inc.Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362-2591Telephone: 1-800-323-8920 • FAX: 1-800-832-9538 • Tech Line (8:30AM-7:30PM E.S.T. Monday-Friday): 1-800-824-3005Visit our Website at: www.leviton.com© 2007 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice.Covered by one or more U.S. and Foreign Patents and patents pending. G-7883/K7-tp
