Honeywell 581OD Top Reasons

Unique Problem Solver
The only transmitter in the industry rated for outdoor use. No other
manufacturer has figured out how to do this! Dealers can provide better
security for their customers.
Extend the perimeter
of protection
The robust weather-proof and water-resistant 5816OD can be in direct
contact with the elements and provides outstanding performance in just
about any climate, in temperatures as low as
-40º F and as high as 150º F
Integral part of the
connected home
and building
An industry exclusive,
Honeywell's 5816OD helps you keep your
customers aware of activity around protected areas and valuables—
making it an integral part of our connected home and building solutions.
The 5816OD is an excellent way to increase sales and RMR by providing
an economical and robust solution for outdoor sensing needs.
Works with
Total Connect
Remote Services
The 5816OD can provide end-users additional value by making them
aware of events happening outside their home or business. It's a perfect
application when combined with Total Connect
Remote Services.
Easy installation
With a wide gap of 1.75" on wood, vinyl and plastic, and 1.25" on metal,
the 5816OD has enough gap to meet any outdoor application.
Can easily blend with
its surroundings
The 5816OD’s housing can be painted to match with any surface (wood
or vinyl fences, sheds, etc).
Easily replaceable, long-life
lithium battery
The high-performance batteries are long-life AA lithium and can be
replaced by end-users at the di
scretion of our s
ecurity d
ealers. Lithium
battery operating temperature range is -40º F to 150º F.
Top Reasons for Honeywell Dealers
to Buy the 5816OD
of 1

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Document Transcript

Top Reasons for Honeywell Dealers to Buy the 5816OD

Unique Problem Solver

The only transmitter in the industry rated for outdoor use. No other manufacturer has figured out how to do this! Dealers can provide better security for their customers.

Extend the perimeter of protection

The robust weather-proof and water-resistant 5816OD can be in direct contact with the elements and provides outstanding performance in just about any climate, in temperatures as low as -40º F and as high as 150º F. An industry exclusive, Honeywell's 5816OD helps you keep your customers aware of activity around protected areas and valuables— making it an integral part of our connected home and building solutions. The 5816OD is an excellent way to increase sales and RMR by providing an economical and robust solution for outdoor sensing needs.

Integral part of the connected home and building

Works with Total Connect™ Remote Services

The 5816OD can provide end-users additional value by making them aware of events happening outside their home or business. It's a perfect application when combined with Total Connect™ Remote Services. With a wide gap of 1.75" on wood, vinyl and plastic, and 1.25" on metal, the 5816OD has enough gap to meet any outdoor application. The 5816OD’s housing can be painted to match with any surface (wood or vinyl fences, sheds, etc).

Easy installation Can easily blend with its surroundings

Easily replaceable, long-life lithium battery

The high-performance batteries are long-life AA lithium and can be replaced by end-users at the discretion of our security dealers. Lithium battery operating temperature range is -40º F to 150º F.
