Honeywell Glass Break Presentation

Keep intruders where they belong...
IN04001 Glassbreak_EU_BRO 4/15/04 2:19 PM Page 1
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Keep intruders where they belong...


The ultimate protection.
Add an even higher level of security with glassbreak detectors.
Although you probably know that security systems are effective in preventing loss of life and property, you might not know about the important role glassbreak detectors can play in keeping you safe. That’s where we come in.

Honeywell’s IntelliSense Series are the world’s bestselling glassbreaks. Sophisticated F l e x G u a r d® t e c h n o l o g y provides the highest level of protection possible by keeping the intruders where they belong…outside. With millions installed throughout the world, why trust your security to anything less?

Your first line of defense.
IntelliSense glassbreaks maximize the effectiveness of your security system by providing your family with an even higher level of protection. Should an intruder attempt to break in, FlexGuard technology immediately detects the break. The central station is notified and a siren is sounded while they are still outdoors. This is often enough to send a burglar running!

IntelliSense Series
The clear choice.
Glassbreaks work by actually “listening” for the sound of breaking glass in a window. Mounted unobtrusively on walls, ceilings or mouldings, glassbreaks provide shatter and shock protection for your windows while keeping them perfectly clear—preserving the beauty of your home while protecting it.

Protect what you cherish most.
Patented FlexGuard technology provides the highest level of security with unmatched detection and outstanding false alarm immunity. Every year, thousands of pieces of glass are broken at our state-of-the-art laboratory to simulate "real life" glass break events. In conjunction, tests such as banging pots and pans, blasting loud stereo music and slamming doors are conducted, ensuring that IntelliSense glassbreaks exceed the most stringent false alarm criteria. Millions are installed worldwide, operating trouble-free.

Sleep soundly.
To sleep soundly, you need peace of mind. You need to know that what you cherish most—your family and your home—are safe and sound. You can count on the IntelliSense Series of glassbreaks to help safeguard your property and the people you love—when you’re home and when you aren’t. So, get some sleep. We’ll be up all night.


Keep intruders where they belong...



The ultimate protection.
Add an even higher level of security with glassbreak detectors.
Although you probably know that security systems are effective in preventing loss of life and property, you might not know about the important role glassbreak detectors can play in keeping you safe. That’s where we come in.

Your first line of defense.
IntelliSense glassbreaks maximize the effectiveness of your security system by providing your family with an even higher level of protection. Should an intruder attempt to break in, FlexGuard technology immediately detects the break. The central station is notified and a siren is sounded while they are still outdoors. This is often enough to send a burglar running!

Protect what you cherish most.
Patented FlexGuard technology provides the highest level of security with unmatched detection and outstanding false alarm immunity. Every year, thousands of pieces of glass are broken at our state-of-the-art laboratory to simulate "real life" glass break events. In conjunction, tests such as banging pots and pans, blasting loud stereo music and slamming doors are conducted, ensuring that IntelliSense glassbreaks exceed the most stringent false alarm criteria. Millions are installed worldwide, operating trouble-free.

Honeywell’s IntelliSense Series are the world’s bestselling glassbreaks. Sophisticated F l e x G u a r d® t e c h n o l o g y provides the highest level of protection possible by keeping the intruders where they belong…outside. With millions installed throughout the world, why trust your security to anything less?

IntelliSense Series
The clear choice.
Glassbreaks work by actually “listening” for the sound of breaking glass in a window. Mounted unobtrusively on walls, ceilings or mouldings, glassbreaks provide shatter and shock protection for your windows while keeping them perfectly clear—preserving the beauty of your home while protecting it.

Sleep soundly.
To sleep soundly, you need peace of mind. You need to know that what you cherish most—your family and your home—are safe and sound. You can count on the IntelliSense Series of glassbreaks to help safeguard your property and the people you love—when you’re home and when you aren’t. So, get some sleep. We’ll be up all night.
