Honeywell L5100 FAQs

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Document Transcript

Lynx Touch 5100
This document explains many frequently asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s Lynx5100 Release 1 ‘Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents
Lynx5100 Frequently Asked Questions’ .................................................................................. 2 WiFi and Tablet ..................................................................................................................... 4
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................2
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Wi-Fi General information ..............................................................................................................4 Compatible Routers List ..................................................................................................................4 COBY KYROS MID-7h Tablet General Information ............................................................................4 The tablet does not have Panic keys, how do I send Panic? ..............................................................4 Is the tablet Supervised? .................................................................................................................5 Can the tablet work with the ILP5 IP communicator? .......................................................................5 Wi-Fi and ILP5, can I use them both? ...............................................................................................5 WiFi Alarm Reporting .....................................................................................................................5 What is the Range? ................................................................................................................................ 5 Will it work off an extender? ................................................................................................................. 5 When can a dealer install the MID-7H?............................................................................................6 If there is no CS monitoring ................................................................................................................... 6 If Pots is the only desired CS reporting.................................................................................................. 6 Wifi/iP only reporting ............................................................................................................................ 6 IP primary with GSM back up ................................................................................................................ 6 Wifi primary, GSM back up .................................................................................................................... 6

Z-Wave.................................................................................................................................. 7

Z-wave Device support ...................................................................................................................7 How do I Flash lights on an event (like burglary)? ............................................................................7 How do you back up Z-wave information? .......................................................................................7 Can the Duress code be used to unlock the door and disarm the system?.........................................7 If there is a Z-wave system, and someone moves a device (lamp module or other), how do you “repair” the network so that the device still reports into and can be controlled from the system? ....7 Z-wave devices ...............................................................................................................................7 Can you learn a L5100 into another L5100 as a secondary controller ................................................7 Does L5100 support Network Wide Inclusion (NWI) .........................................................................8 What if I install more than 40 light switches on a L5100? .................................................................8 I need more scenes, how can I get them? ........................................................................................8 Why can’t I edit my scenes locally? .................................................................................................8 What if I default my panel, do I lose my Z-Wave devices? ................................................................8 I added a user code to my panel and the codes programmed locally with in my lock no longer operate it? .....................................................................................................................................8

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Updated: 5/25/12

Communications and Remote Services .................................................................................. 9
4G support .....................................................................................................................................9 APL ................................................................................................................................................9 Why don’t we have a remote antenna on the L5100? ......................................................................9 Push Content – how often does content get sent .............................................................................9 Slide Show......................................................................................................................................9 I no longer see my “Dashboard Icon” on the L5100 ..........................................................................9

Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 10
Does it matter what side the Z-Wave and WiFi board are inserted? ...............................................10 The L5100 will not will recognize the WiFi or Z-Wave module?.......................................................10

Certifications in process ....................................................................................................... 10 Flash upgrade rules ............................................................................................................. 11
Able to Flash ........................................................................................................................................ 11 CAN NOT Flash ..................................................................................................................................... 11

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Updated: 5/25/12

FAQ’s WiFi and Tablet
Wi-Fi General information
• • Does not work with the Honeywell WAP (currently) Does not work with the Sercom router sold under Honeywell brand through ADI - The Sercom routers broadcast wirelessly on channel 6 and can’t be altered. The Honeywell WAP also uses channel 6 and can’t be changed. This interference prevents them from working Does not support WPS (currently) Does not work with a router which does not transmit its SSID (the router must transmit SSID) Some routers may not work in the initial release, a list of routers supported is a part of release 1 communications The CRC of the Wifi module should be 4 digits. If your module shows less than 4 digits, precede it zero’s.

• • • •

Compatible Routers List
Brand ASUS Belkin Buffalo Technology Cisco/Linksys D-Link LevelOne Netgear TRENDnet Model RT-N10 F6D3230-4 WCR-GN WHR-HP-GN E1000 E1500 DIR-601 DIR-815 WBR-6020 WNR1000v3 WNR2000v3 TEW-652BRP (652) Type Wireless N150 Router Dual-Band Wireless A+G Router Wireless N150 Router Wireless N150 Router Wireless N Router Wireless N Router Wireless N150 Router Wireless N Dual Band Router Wireless N Router Wireless N150 Router Wireless N300 Router Wireless N Router

COBY KYROS MID-7h Tablet General Information
• • • Does not support programming modes (Master user screen, Installer program screens, and Advanced Z-wave screens) Can be used with Tuxedo Can be learned in many panels (vacation and main home)

The tablet does not have Panic keys, how do I send Panic?
• • -• -• Competitors have panics on the wireless keypads. Our proposed Wwork around is: Use a 5802 panic Enter a Duress code for burg
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Updated: 5/25/12

Is the tablet Supervised?
• Yes. The L5100 supervises the Tablet every 15 seconds

Can the tablet work with the ILP5 IP communicator?
• Yes, it works with either ILP5 or L5100-WiFi, as long as you have a wireless router.

Wi-Fi and ILP5, can I use them both?
• No, it is one or the other.

WiFi Alarm Reporting
• • • • • • After 1 hour of AC loss, the WiFi module shuts down to preserve battery. Reports may take up to 60 seconds to report, even if GSM is used as back up (60 seconds is the time for WiFi to wake up, scan for networks, acquire an iP address). If router is down, reports then go over GSM but may not be until >60 seconds later (as the Wi-Fi path is tried 1st) APL (Advanced Protection Logic) will still work, just will take extra 60 seconds to report. Smash and grab will not have an increased level of false alarms due to the power save feature If there is a smash and grab event, the WiFi module will respond to the increased supervision, thus not creating the new APL possible trouble alarm Entry delay and/or dial delay may add additional time to the alarm report time (unless the WiFi wakes up after event, rather than when the alarm needs to report out)
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What is the Range?
• The range of the WiFi is dependent on your router and environment.

Will it work off an extender?
• Yes, as long as it acquires an IP Address

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Updated: 5/25/12

When can a dealer install the MID-7H?
If there is no CS monitoring
• Yes, but they need to install a L5100-Wifi card or iLP5, program it in the “Communicator” screen, Do not enter any CS ID, City ID, or acct id information. In Reporter, ensure Communicator type is set to “None”

If Pots is the only desired CS reporting
• Yes, but they need to install a L5100-Wifi card or iLP5, program it in the “Communicator” screen, Do not enter any CS ID, City ID, or acct id information. In Reporter, ensure Communicator type is set to “None”. But this time enter the phone information. Note – these two options above will work with or without Broadband being available!

Wifi/iP only reporting
• Yes, but they need to install a L5100-Wifi card or iLP5, program it in the “Communicator” screen, enter CS ID, City ID, or acct id information. In Reporter, ensure Communicator type is set to Wifi or IP as appropriate. Note – Tablet stops working if either the Internet is down, or if Alarmnet is down (if the ping sent every 20 seconds is not acknowledged, the L5100 reboots the wifi card)

IP primary with GSM back up
• No, you cannot put IP and GSM in the same unit

Wifi primary, GSM back up
• Yes, but they need to install a L5100-Wifi card and GSM, program it in the “Communicator” screen, enter CS ID, City ID, or ACCT ID information. In Reporter, ensure Communicator type is set to Wifi/GSM. Note – Tablet stops working if either the Internet is down, or if Alarmnet is down (if the ping sent every 20 seconds is not acknowledged, the L5100 reboots the wifi card)

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Updated: 5/25/12

FAQ’s Z-Wave
Z-wave Device support
• • Will work with same Z-wave devices specified in Tuxedo, see Tux User Guide or L5100 Home Automation guide for compatible list. Inclusion device support - GE, Aspire, and Leviton.

How do I Flash lights on an event (like burglary)?
• • Z-wave does not support flashing of lights. The easiest way is to use an outlet that is z-wave controlled, and then install a strobe into the outlet. When the event occurs, switch on the outlet to turn on the strobe. The strobe will then begin to flash.

How do you back up Z-wave information?
• • Z-wave information is uploaded into Compass, so it can be used to recreate the scenes, rules and schedules originally created if necessary. Use a secondary controller, connected to a laptop (such as the Leviton USB device), save the information to a file.

Can the Duress code be used to unlock the door and disarm the system?
• Yes, if enabled in user code programming

If there is a Z-wave system, and someone moves a device (lamp module or other), how do you “repair” the network so that the device still reports into and can be controlled from the system?
• Z-wave has a self-repair function.

Z-wave devices
• • • Primary controller is the only controller to include devices Nodes start at 1 (primary controller), and go to 232. If you include and exclude the same device 232 times, you will run out of nodes, and the controller will then restart and fill open nodes

Can you learn a L5100 into another L5100 as a secondary controller
• No, this does not work, and may be fixed in a running change.

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Updated: 5/25/12

Does L5100 support Network Wide Inclusion (NWI)
• No. But, most manufacturers don’t support it yet, including Leviton.

What if I install more than 40 light switches on a L5100?
• You can add more than 40, you can’t control more than 40.

I need more scenes, how can I get them?
• • • Total Connect 2.0 allows you to create 20 more scenes. When enabled through TC2.0, they will be assigned to Scene numbers 21-40. They can only be viewed via TC2.0

Why can I not edit my scenes locally?
• TC2.0 pushes scenes 21 to 40 to the panel. Scenes created through TC2.0 cannot be edited locally

What if I default my panel, do I lose my Z-Wave devices?
• Yes, this will require you to exclude all your devices then exclude them before you can include them.

I added a user code to my panel and now the codes programmed locally with in my lock no longer operate it?
• • • • If you manually enter a user code at the door lock keypad, the door lock will inform the panel of this change. As a result, L5100 will erase all user codes residing at the door lock, followed by a user code synchronizing session. This behavior is necessary and required if you want user code synchronization to work correctly. For example, you can create a new user code from L5100 and the panel will propagate to all parties involved (TC and/or lock). TC <==> L5100 ----> Lock | | Bidirectional | one way

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Updated: 5/25/12

FAQ’s Communications and Remote Services
4G support
• • • • L5100 will support the GSMVLP54G 2G/3G/4G radio L5100 will not support the GSMVLP5 2G only radio L5000 currently supports only the GSMVLP5 2G radio There are plans to release a L5000 with 4G support - date TBD

• • • L5100 does support APL L3000 will be released 3Q with 4G and APL support (this will require new panel and radio/IP modules) APL will be added to the L5000 when we release the 4G radio support.

Why don’t we have a remote antenna on the L51000?
• We do now. It is the GSMVLP5-4G GSM-EXT

Push Content – how often does content get sent
• • Wi-Fi – every 4 hours plus on touching the icon GSM – twice a day, as programmed in TC2.0

Slide Show
• • • Slideshow is only available through Total Connect 2.0 No slide show through GSM, only over Wi-Fi/iP Slide show images are stored in RAM. If the panel recycles power, then all images will need to be downloaded again. This automatically happens.
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I no longer see my “Dashboard Icon” on the L5100
• If the panel, no longer sees the WiFi card, or GSM card, the “Dashboard Icon” will not show up.

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Updated: 5/25/12

FAQ’s Hardware
Does it matter what side the Z-Wave and WiFi board are inserted?
• Yes, the Z-Wave module must be installed on the telephone side of the board and the WiFi card must be installed under the speaker

The L5100 will not will recognize the WiFi or Z-Wave module?
• • The card must be inserted when power down Turn on Z-Wave or Wifi in programming, Reboot the panel again.

Certifications in process
• • Z-wave alliance Wi-fi alliance

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Updated: 5/25/12

FAQ’s Flash upgrade rules
Able to Flash
• • • • L5000 rev 2.x to L5000 rev 2.x (current production in USA) L5000 rev 3.x to L5000 rev 3.x (current production build in Canada with French, rev 2 was English only) L5100 to L5100 future revision L5000 rev 3 to L5100 (Engineering to validate how)

• Any L5000 rev 2 to L5000 rev 3 or to L5100

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