Honeywell Total Connect Video Family Brochure
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See your family while you are away!
View live video from almost anywhere.
How often have you told your kids that you have “eyes in the back of your head?”
With Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions, you’ll never be out of the loop. This service lets you look-in on your family from almost anywhere by viewing video clips on any supported PC, smartphone or other web-enabled device. You will never have to worry if the kids got home from school safely; you can receive a picture when they get there. You’ll have peace-of-mind, without interrupting your meeting or answering a phone call. What’s more, you can check to see whether the kids are doing their homework or playing video games! You can monitor everyone in and around your home and observe what they are doing while you are away.
Several portable indoor and outdoor cameras available— can be placed virtually anywhere!
For more information, please visit
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With Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions you can feel like you’re there, even when you can’t be! As your children grow, you’ll find different reasons to “stop-in” at your home via Total Connect Video Solutions. Your 18-year-old child may be considered legally able to stay home alone for the weekend, but isn’t it reassuring to know that there are no “surprise parties” when you’re away? In today’s litigious society, house parties at your home, hosted by your children, can leave you open to legal action. If one of your children’s friends overindulges in alcoholic drinks or consumes other mood-altering substances while in your home, you may face liability, even if you or your child did not provide those substances. Total Connect Video Solutions let you check in and make sure all is well. Total Connect Video Solutions gives you peace-of-mind no matter what stage of life your family is in.
At 3 p.m. your child arrives home from school.
While at your office, receive notification and watch her enter your home.
Total Connect Video Solutions make it easy to see your family while you are away. So what are you waiting for? Call now for a FREE in home demonstration!
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