honeywell Total Connect Video FAQs
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Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs Video Services
How many cameras can I stream at once, and can I stream cameras in separate windows?
You can stream up to six cameras at once (providing you have the required bandwidth). Yes, individual cameras are streamed in separate windows.
Has anything changed as far as functionality?
Basic functionality has stayed the same. We have added additional flexibility with the ability to stream video outside of the Total Connect dashboard.
How much bandwidth will I use if I stream multiple cameras?
You will use approximately 768 Kbps per camera.
How do I test how much bandwidth I have?
Do a search on your home or work PC for a free local bandwidth test site. You are measuring your upload speed, such as
If I close my browser while streaming a pan tilt camera will I lose functionality of the camera?
The camera will continue to stream but you will not be able to pan/tilt, enlarge, turn on light or do a full pan of the room (buttons are inoperable).
What happens if I leave my camera streaming?
Your camera stream will time out after 30 minutes without activity in the streaming window (running your mouse cursor over the stream window will reset the timer).
What version(s) of Total Connect support the enhanced viewer? How do I obtain the enhanced viewer if I have an existing account?
The enhanced viewer is supported on Total Connect 2.0 and later versions.
If you have Total Connect 2.0, the enhanced viewer will appear when you login to your account.
Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs Video Services, Continued
What is the process for You will need an active AlarmNet and Total Connect account number. Our IP cameras setting up the iPCAMs? are plug and play.
What’s included in the box The camera, stand, antenna and power transformer. with the product? How does your remote An active AlarmNet account will enable you to enroll your IP camera and view via service for the camera work? Total Connect. Do we have video storage? video clips (first in first out service logic). Video storage clips are MPEG4 compression
for higher compression and better quality. Yes, we have 100MB storage— this equates to up to 100 clips of 5-10 second
Will captured video and live Yes, live, streaming video can be viewed from an Android™, BlackBerry® or iPhone® video be viewable from a mobile device using Honeywell's Total Connect mobile application. mobile device? How many cameras can I install per each AlarmNet You can install six cameras per AlarmNet account. account number? Can live video be viewed from Yes, streaming video can be viewed using Honeywell’s Total Connect mobile a mobile device? application. How do you view Clips will be viewable in the event history page of the website. It will be a click-to-play recorded clips? item on each video-related event. How does the device work? What path does it use to get to its destination?
Configuration #1 – You are using a wired connection and your router supports DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol).
IP Camera
• DHCP capability
Configuration #2 - Your wireless router supports DHCP and one button WPS encryption.
Router (wireless)
IP Camera
• DHCP capability • WPS button
Configuration #3 - Your wireless router supports DHCP but DOES NOT support one button WPS encryption.
Wireless Access Point
IP Camera IP Camera
• WPS Button
• DHCP capability
Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs
iPCAM-WI2 Wired/Wireless IP Camera
How is the camera A +5V 1A DC power transformer is included in the box. The center pin is positive powered? and outer core is negative. What is WPS? WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup, which is a standard for easy setup of a
secure wireless network.
Is motion detection configurable-programmable sensitivity for each region – motion detection can be available?
scheduled by day and time.
Yes, can define four regions of interest (video motion detection areas) with
Can the power cable Yes, we have an optional power extension cable (9 feet), part# iPCAM-EXT. be extended? Can I utilize the microphone and speaker output on Currently, we do not support those features. the device? Can the device will notice the stand that is connected to the camera can be moved to facilitate be mounted?
wall mounting. Yes. At the bottom of the stand you will see some mounting holes for screws and
What does the privacy If the privacy button is pressed, you will not be able to view that particular camera button do? until it is pressed again. What is the LAN The LAN connection is used for hardwiring the device back to the wireless access connector for? point (WAP) or router. What is the range of Coverage depends on the placement of the wireless camera and the wireless the device when access point (WAP) or router in the application. used wirelessly?
Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs IPCAM-WO Outdoor IP Camera
How is iPCAM-WO enrolled into a Total Connect™ Video Services account? How many outdoor cameras may be used per Total Connect Video Services account?
The process is the same as our indoor iPCAMs (iPCAM-WI/iPCAM-PT). You simply enter the MAC number from the device to your AlarmNet account through AlarmNet Direct.
Up to six cameras in any combination (indoor or outdoor) are allowed per account.
Is the iPCAM-WO wired or wireless?
The iPCAM-WO may be wired directly into an Ethernet port on a router or using Wi-Fi capability with push-button WPS (Wi-Fi protected setup). WPS requires a compatible router or adding a Honeywell WAP (Wireless Access Point).
How is the iPCAM-WO powered?
The iPCAM-WO requires 12V 1A. The power adapter is supplied.
Does the iPCAM-WO have night vision capability?
Yes, the iPCAM-WO features a day/night mode that provides LED illumination to support black/white video. The LED illumination range is up to 25 feet.
Will video analytics work with the iPCAM-WO?
Yes. The IPCAM-WO can be set up with up to four detection areas within the field of view. Clips may be stored and e-mailed per detection in a designated detection area.
What is the temperature range for the iPCAM-WO?
-10° F – 113° F (-23° C – 45° C)
What is the plastic piece included used for?
The iPCAM-WO includes a plastic cover for Ethernet connection to maintain weather resistance.
Is there a built-in infrared motion detector?
Yes, however, the motion detector is not used at this time.
Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs iPCAM-PT Pan/Tilt Camera
How is pan/tilt function Total Connect™ video viewer will provide pan/tilt controller. When a pan/tilt camera controlled? is selected the controller will appear. Are there any preset pre-determined camera view. A programmable variable speed motor will control pan/tilt settings?
how quickly the camera moves into position. Yes, we support up to four settings that will allow quick navigation to a
Are there any automatic Yes, the auto-pan function allows scanning of view from side to side. pan capabilities? Does iPCAM-PT have Yes, two distinct motion triggering options—digital video analytics and built-in motion detection? motion sensor. Each can be programmed independently. Are there any external Yes, one input and one output are available for general triggering from inputs/outputs? external sources. Can the device be you will notice the stand that is connected to the camera can be moved to facilitate mounted?
wall mounting. Yes. At the bottom of the stand you will see some mounting holes for screws and
WAP Wireless Access Point
In computer networking, a wireless access point (WAP) is a device that allows How does a wireless access wireless communication devices to connect to a wireless network using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or related standards. The WAP usually connects to a wired network, and point (WAP) work? can relay data between the wireless devices (such as computers or printers) and wired devices on the network.
When is an access point 2. Premises wireless router does not have WPS capability (WAP) necessary?
1. Wireless installation in premises without a wireless router 3. Dealers preference to standardize on WAP to minimize router compatibility issues
Honeywell Total Connect™ Video Solutions FAQs Analog Converter Unit (ACU)
What cameras may be used with the ACU?
Any analog camera will be converted to digital and can then be viewed though Total Connect™ Video Services.
How many cameras may be used per ACU?
The limit is one camera per ACU.
How many ACUs may be used per Total Connect Video account? Will video analytics work with the ACU and other cameras?
Six ACUs per account may be used.
Yes. The ACU is capable of full analytics excluding the pan and tilt feature.
How is the ACU configured?
The ACU is configured the same way as our IP CAMs. You will enter the MAC number from the device onto your AlarmNet account through AlarmNet Direct.
How does the ACU connect to the AlarmNet network?
Using a Wi-Fi encrypted service via WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) through AlarmNet.
Is the ACU wired or wireless?
The ACU is hardwired for power but has WPS button capability for Wi-Fi connection to a WAP or router.
For more information: Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Security Products Americas 2 Corporate Center Dr. Suite 100 Melville, NY 11747 1.800.467.5875
L/IPCAMWIFAQB/D April 2012 © 2012 Honeywell International Inc.
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