Leviton VIZIA RF + Collection

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Document Transcript

1. C O L L E C T I O NLeviton S. de R.L. de C.V.Lago Tana 43, Mexico DF, Mexico CP 11290Tel. (+52) 55-5082-1040 • Fax: (+52) 55-5386-1797www.leviton.com.mxLeviton Manufacturing of Canada, Ltd.165 Hymus Boulevard, Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 1E9Telephone: 1-800-469-7890 • FAX: 1-800-563-1853Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.201 North Service Road, Melville, NY 11747-3138Telephone: 1-800-323-8920 • FAX: 1-800-832-9538 • Tech Line (8:30AM-7:00PM E.T. Monday-Friday): 1-800-824-3005Visit our Website at: www.leviton.com© 2009 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. G-7992B/I09-dpThe Vizia +®products are covered by one or more of the following patents: US D531,137; US D563,326; US D563; US 6,388,399; CA 116,616;other U.S. and foreign patents pending.Decora Plus is a trademark and Vizia +, Vizia RF +, Decora, ControlThink and ThinkEssentials are registered trademarks of Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.Z-Wave is a registered trademark of Zensys Corporation.Mark 10 Powerline is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.Tu-Wire, Hi-lume and Eco-10 (Eco-Series) are registered trademarks of Lutron Electronics, Inc.
2. The Vizia +®Collection is Leviton’s most advanced statement inresidential lighting and home control technology. It includes standardand radio frequency (RF) products designed to accommodate every typeof lighting for the home, from providing a single dimmer to creating anentire wireless home control system. Vizia + offers advanced lightingtechnologies, an all-digital design and an elegantly simple userinterface. It delivers the performance of a high-end lighting controlsystem at a moderate cost. With built-in Z-Wave®wireless technology,homeowners can automate lighting, household appliances andelectronics with the touch of a remote. The Vizia + Collectionis completely compatible with Decora Plus™ screwless andDecora®standard wallplates, and the complete line ofLeviton’s hallmark Decora wiring devices.
3. Vizia + dimmers, switches and timer givehomeowners the ability to control light so theycan enjoy their home to the fullest potential.Vizia + dimmers use digital technology with featuressuch as user selectable fade rates and minimumbrightness levels. The Energy Save mode allows theuser to decrease the maximum brightness level toreduce energy consumption.Press the dimmer’s push pad and the lights turnon to the last set brightness level or customizea preset light level that lets users specify thebrightness level the lights turn on to. When amatching remote is installed, it tracks and displaysthe same green LED light.The Vizia + 24 hour timer is the ideal way forhomeowners to save energy by only utilizing lightsand appliances when needed. They can create a livedin look by scheduling indoor and outdoor areas to be litautomatically for increased safety and security beforearriving home from work or when away.Exceptional style, intuitiveand easy-to-operateThe Vizia + line of lighting controls includes dimmers,switches, timer and fan speed control that are finelyengineered for effortless performance.
4. VPI06-1L600W-120VACIncandescent Dimmerfor Single Pole, 3-Wayor More Applications,with LED Locatorand Brightness DisplayVPX10-1L1000VA-120VACFluorescent Dimmer forMark 10®Powerline orTu-Wire®Ballasts forSingle Pole, 3-Way orMore Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVPS15-1L15A-120VACNon-DimmingElectronic Switch forSingle Pole, 3-Way orMore Applications,with LED LocatorVP00R-10120VAC CoordinatingDimmer Remote to120VAC Dimmers/FanSpeed Control for 3-Wayor Up to 10 LocationApplications(No LEDs)VP00R-1L120VAC Matching DimmerRemote to 120VACDimmers/Fan SpeedControl for 3-Way or Upto 5 Location Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness/Fan Speed DisplayVP00R-7L277VAC Matching DimmerRemote to 277VAC Dimmersfor 3-Way or Up to5 Location Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVP0SR-10120VAC CoordinatingSwitch Remote to 120VACDimmers/Fan Speed Controland VPS15-1L Switch for3-Way or Up to 10 LocationApplications (No LED)VPX12-7L1200VA-277VACFluorescent Dimmer forMark 10®PowerlineBallasts for Single Pole,3-Way or MoreApplications, withLED Locator andBrightness DisplayVPH08-1L8A-120VAC FluorescentDimmer for Hi-Lume®or Eco-10®(Eco-Series)Ballasts for Single Pole,3-Way or More Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVPH06-7L6A-277VAC FluorescentDimmer for Hi-Lume®orEco-10®(Eco-Series)Ballasts for Single Pole,3-Way or MoreApplications, withLED Locator andBrightness DisplayVPF01-1L1.5A-120VACQuiet Fan Speed Controlfor Single Pole, 3-Way orMore Applications, withLED Locator and FanSpeed DisplayVPM06-1L600VA-120VACMagnetic Low VoltageDimmer for Single Pole,3-Way or MoreApplications,with LED Locatorand Brightness DisplayVPM10-1L1000W-120VACIncandescent or1000VA-120VACMagnetic Low VoltageDimmer for Single Pole,3-Way or More Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVPE04-1L400W-120VACVPE06-1L600W-120VACElectronic Low VoltageDimmer for Single Pole,3-Way or More Applications,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVP0SR-1L120VAC Matching SwitchRemote to 120VACDimmers/Fan Speed Controland VPS15-1L Switchfor 3-Way or Up to 5Location Applications,with LED LocatorVRM10-1L1000VA-120VAC Magnetic LowVoltage Scene Capable Dimmerfor Single Pole, 3-Way or MoreApplications*, with LED Locatorand Brightness DisplayVRP03-1LW300W Scene CapablePlug-In Lamp DimmingModuleVRP15-1LW15A Scene CapablePlug-In Appliance ModuleVRC0P-1LWPlug-In SerialInterface ModuleRS232 ASCII InterfaceVRMR1-0SGIR HandheldRemote Controllerfor Zone andScene ControlVRCPG-0SGRF HandheldRemote ControllerProgrammer/TimerVRCPG-BSGRF Handheld RemoteController Programmer(Basic)VRCS1-1L1-Button SceneController/VirtualSwitch Remote 3-WayRF Controller forMulti-Location Control,with LED LocatorVRCZ1-1L1-Button Zone DimmingController/VirtualDimming Remote3-Way RF Controller forMulti-Location Control,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVRCS4-1L120VAC 4-ButtonScene Controllerfor Multi-LocationScene Control withIR Remote CapabilityVRS15-1L15A-120VAC SceneCapable Switch forSingle Pole, 3-Way orMore Applications**,with LED LocatorVRI06-1L600W-120VAC IncandescentVRI10-1L1000W-120VAC IncandescentScene Capable Dimmerfor Single Pole, 3-Wayor More Applications*,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayVRE06-1L600W-120VAC ElectronicLow Voltage Scene CapableDimmer for Single Pole,3-Way or More Applications*,with LED Locator andBrightness DisplayTHE COLLECTIONVRF01-1L1.5A-120VAC Scene CapableQuiet Fan Speed Control forSingle Pole, 3-Way or MoreApplications*, with LED Locatorand Fan Speed DisplayVRS05-1L5A-120VAC IncandescentONLY Scene Capable Switchfor Single Pole, 3-Wayor More Applications**,with LED LocatorCTTEP-20WThinkEssentials®ProfessionalEdition Softwarefor programmingZ-Wave NetworksVRCZ4-1L120VAC 4-Button ZoneController for Multi-LocationControl with IR Remote Capability*Use VRCZ1-1L, VP00R-10 or VP00R-1L for 3-way applications.**Use VRCS1-1L, VP0SR-10 or VP0SR-1L for 3-way applications.VPT24-1P15A-120VAC 24 HourElectronic Timer Switchwith Astronomical Clock,Backlit LCD Display andLED Locator for SinglePole, 3-Way or MoreApplicationsVPSLB-S44-Button Scene ControllerLabel KitVPZLB-Z44-Button Zone ControllerLabel KitVRCZ4-MR120VAC-240VAC4-Button Zone Controllerwith 1800W Switchand IR Remote CapabilityVRCS4-MR120VAC-240VAC4-Button Scene Controllerwith 1800W Switch and IRRemote CapabilityVRCS2-MR120VAC-240VAC2-Button SceneController with1000W SwitchesVRR15-1LRSplit Duplex TamperResistant Receptacle,Top Outlet: 1800W RFScene Capable SwitchBottom Outlet: 15A TamperResistant Receptacle
5. Vizia RF + incorporates Z-Wave®technology, aversatile home control technology that effectivelytransforms any component – switches, lightingcontrols, shades, thermostats, appliances and more –into an intelligent device that can be wirelesslycontrolled and monitored. It delivers the reliabilityand performance of a high-end “custom” systemat an affordable cost. With Vizia RF +, you canautomate customer’s homes without new wiresby upgrading standard dimmers and switches withintelligent Vizia RF + components.Customize scenes by presetting lighting levels in agiven area to suit the activity. Zone control deliversthe flexibility to control an area of lights across theroom or throughout the home. For added security,create a lived-in look so homeowners can relax whileaway. Simply schedule inside and outside lights toswitch ON or OFF at pre-selected times. You cancompletely automate any home with Vizia RF +wireless controls in every room and outdoors,or start on a smaller scale and expand the systemas needed. It’s that simple.Vizia RF +®– The wirelesshome control solution preferredby professionals
6. Locator LEDI Illuminates when OFFI Can be set for timeout featureDim/Bright BarI Press right to increase brightnessI Press left to decrease brightnessI Change brightness level when lights are OFFI After a power outage, lights will return tolast settingLED Brightness DisplayI Seven segmentsI Remembers last light levelI Can be adjusted for timeout featureI Changes from a single point LED to acumulative LED bar to indicate brightnesslevel (Vizia RF + only)Push PadI Short press for ON/OFFI Long press for Full BrightColorsMost Vizia +®and Vizia RF +®lighting controls are available in boxes with three color options: White, Ivory and Almond (-X) or White,Ivory and Light Almond (-Z). Vizia + is also available in an eco-friendly White option for select models.Color change kits allow fast color changeover and simplify stocking inventory and are available for Vizia + and Vizia RF +wall mounted devices in the following high gloss colors:White(-W)Ivory(-I)Almond(-A)LightAlmond(-T)Gray(-G)Black(-E)Red(-R)Brown(-B)Dimmer FeaturesI Energy save modeI Minimum brightness adjustmentI Preset ON levelI Almost OFF level (Vizia + only)I 49 adjustable fade ratesI LED time out optionI Restore factory defaultsLocator LEDI Illuminates when load is OFFBacklit LCDI Timer schedule at a glanceI Current day/time and timer status indicatorPush PadI Short press for temporary override ON/OFFI Long press for permanent override ON/OFFI Flips up for timer programming and settingsTimer FeaturesI Astronomical clock automaticallyadjusts to local sunrise/sunset timesI Automatic daylight savings timeoptionI Random mode option for a lived in lookI Up to 50 eventsI Any day or combination of daysselection for event programmingI Easy to program
