Leviton VRS15-1LZ Installation Manual and Setup Guide
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1. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS:• To be installed and/or used in accordance with appropriate electrical codes and regulations.• If you are unsure about any part of these instructions, consult a qualified electrician.• Vizia RF +™ electronic switches are not compatible with standard 3-way or 4-way switches. They must be used with compatible Vizia +™ or Vizia RF +™ controllers.• Recommended minimum wall box depth is 2-1/2".WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS:• Use only one (1) Vizia RF +™ Scene Capable Switch in a multi-location circuit with up to 9 coordinating remotes (without LEDs) or up to 4 matching remotes(with LEDs). The remote(s) will turn the load on (“at the level selected” for dimmers only) at the control.• Maximum wire length from dimmer to all installed remotes cannot exceed 300 ft (90 m).• Disconnect power at circuit breaker or fuse when servicing, installing or removing fixture.• Use this device only with copper or copper clad wire. With aluminum wire use only devices marked CO/ALR or CU/AL.Single Pole (One location) or 3-Way (Multi-location)Scene Capable Electronic SwitchCat. No. VRS15-1L, (Lighted) - 120VAC, 60HzIncandescent-1800W – Magnetic Low-Voltage-1800VA (1440W)Electronic Low-Voltage-1800W – Fluorescent-1800VA – Supplemental-1/2 HPINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DI-000-VRS15-02ATools needed to install your SwitchSlotted/Phillips Screwdriver Electrical Tape PliersPencil Cutters RulerLine up tabs andpress in sides oneat a time to attachPush inside at tabto releaseChanging the color of your Switch:Your switch includes three color options. The switch ships with the Whiteframe attached. To change color of frame, proceed as follows:INSTALLING YOUR SWITCHNOTE: Use check boxes when Steps are completed.WARNING: TO AVOID FIRE SHOCK OR DEATH; TURNOFF POWER at circuit breaker or fuse and test that power is offbefore wiring!Step 12431Single Pole1. Line (Hot)2. Neutral3. Ground4. Load241533-Way1. Line or Load (seeimportant instruction)2. Neutral3. Ground4. First Traveler – note color5. Second Traveler – notecolorIdentifying your wiring application (most common):NOTE: If the wiring in your wall box does not resemble any ofthese configurations, consult a qualified electrician.Step 2IMPORTANT : For 3-Way applications, note that one of the screw terminalsfrom the old switch being removed will usually be a different color (Black)or labeled Common. Tag that wire with electrical tape and identify as thecommon (Line or Load) in both the switch wall box and remote wall box.BKRDYL/RDTerminalScrew markedBlack (BK)TerminalScrew markedRed (RD)TerminalScrew markedYellow/Red(YL/RD)Terminal Label:Use Terminal for 3-Way or More Applications Only.For Single-Pole Applications, Do Not Remove ThisLabel.432TerminalScrew markedWhite (WH)1Single Pole Wiring Application:Step 4aStep 3 Preparing and connecting wires:This switch can be wired using side wire terminal screws orthrough backwire openings. Choose appropriate wire strippingspecifications accordingly.• Make sure that the ends of the wires from the wall box arestraight (cut if necessary).• Remove insulation from each wire in the wall box as shown.• For Single-Pole Application, go to Step 4a.• For 3-Way Coordinating Remote (no LEDs) Application, go to Step 4b.5/8"(1.6 cm)Strip Gage(measure barewire here)Cut(if necessary)Side Wire ConnectionSide wire terminals accept #14AWG solid wire copper only.Back Wire (either hole may be used)Back wire openings use #14-12 AWGsolid wire copper only.Hot (Black)Neutral (White)LoadSwitchBKBlackWhiteRDGreenGroundYL/RDLine120VAC, 60HzUse Terminal for 3-Way orMore Applications Only.For Single-Pole Applications,Do Not Remove This Label.WHWIRING SWITCH:Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:• Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.• Line Hot wall box wire to terminal screw marked "BK".• Load wall box wire to terminal screw marked "RD".• Line Neutral wall box wire to terminal screw marked "WH".• Switch terminal screw marked "YL/RD" should have Red insulationlabel affixed.NOTE: If insulating label is not affixed to terminal screw marked"YL/RD", use electrical tape to cover.• Proceed to Step 5.Leviton’s Vizia RF +™ Z-Wave®components are designed to communicatewith each other via Radio Frequency (RF) to provide remote control ofyour lighting. Using RF technology allows Leviton to provide the greatestsignal integrity possible. Each module in Leviton’s Vizia RF +™ componentline is a Z-Wave®enabled device. In a Z-Wave®network, each device isdesigned to act as a router. These routers will re-transmit the RF signalfrom one device to another until the intended device is reached. Thisensures that the signal is received by its intended device by routingthe signal around obstacles and radio dead spots. The Scene CapableElectronic Switch is compatible with any Z-Wave®enabled network,regardless of the manufacturer and can also be used with other devicesdisplaying the Z-Wave®logo.CAUTION:Remember to exercise good common sense when using the Timerfeatures of your Remote – especially when scheduling unattended devices.There can be some unexpected consequences if not used with care. Forexample, an empty coffee pot can be remotely turned on. If that shouldhappen, your coffee pot could be damaged from overheating. If an electricheater is turned on by remote control while clothing is draped over it, afire could result. DO NOT USE the remote for the control of high powerheating appliances such as portable heaters. This device will not controllighting that is used with electronic low-voltage and high frequency powersupply transformers, nor high pressure discharge lamps (HID lighting).This includes mercury-vapor, sodium vapor and metal halide lamps.• Switch ON/OFF• Scene Capable• ON/OFF LED• Two way communication• RF reliability• Ease of installation – No new wiring• Compatible with other Z-Wave®enabled devicesFEATURESINTRODUCTIONBKRDWHYL/RDBKRDYL/RD3214TerminalScrew marked White (WH)TerminalScrew markedYellow/Red(YL/RD)5Coordinating Remote Switch4315TerminalScrew markedRed (RD)TerminalScrew markedWhite (WH)2TerminalScrew markedBlack (BK)TerminalScrew markedYellow/Red(YL/RD)Hot (Black)Neutral (White)Vizia + Remote (no LED)YL/RD YL/RDRDWHRDBKBlackBKWHWhiteLine120VAC, 60HzGreenGroundGreenGround(unused)(unused)LoadSwitch3-Way Wiring with Coordinating Remote(no LED) Application:Step 4bStep 4b cont’dWIRING SWITCH:Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:NOTE: The switch must be installed in a wall box that has a Line Hotconnection.NOTE: Maximum wire length from switch to all installed remotes cannotexceed 300 ft (90 m).• Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.• Line Hot (common) wall box wire identified (tagged) when removing oldswitch to terminal screw marked "BK".• First Traveler wall box wire to terminal screw marked "RD"(note wire color).• Remove Red insulating label from terminal screw marked "YL/RD".• Second Traveler wall box wire to terminal screw marked "YL/RD"(note wire color). This traveler from the switch must go to the terminalscrew on the remote marked "YL/RD".• Line Neutral wall box wire to terminal screw marked "WH".WIRING COORDINATING REMOTE:Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:NOTE: "BK" and "RD" terminals on coordinating remote are unused.Tighten both screws.NOTE: Maximum wire length from switch to last remote is 300 ft (90 m).• Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.• Load wall box wire identified (tagged) when removing old switch to FirstTraveler (note color as above).• Second Traveler wall box wire (note color as above) to terminal screwmarked "YL/RD". This traveler from the remote must go to the terminalscrew on the switch marked "YL/RD".• Remove White insulating label from terminal screw marked "WH".• Line Neutral wall box wire to terminal screw marked "WH".• Proceed to Step 5.
2. DI-000-VRS15-02A• Restore power at circuit breaker or fuse.• Press pad until locator light is OFF. Lightsshould turn ON.If lights do not turn ON, refer to theTROUBLESHOOTING section.LIMITED 5 YEAR WARRANTY AND EXCLUSIONSLeviton warrants to the original consumer purchaser and not for the benefit of anyone else that this product at the time of its sale by Leviton is free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal and proper use for five years from the purchase date. Leviton’s only obligation is to correct such defects by repair or replacement,at its option, if within such five year period the product is returned prepaid, with proof of purchase date, and a description of the problem to Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc., Att: Quality Assurance Department, 59-25 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, New York 11362-2591. This warranty excludes and there is disclaimed liabilityfor labor for removal of this product or reinstallation. This warranty is void if this product is installed improperly or in an improper environment, overloaded, misused, opened, abused, or altered in any manner, or is not used under normal operating conditions or not in accordance with any labels or instructions. There are no other orimplied warranties of any kind, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, but if any implied warranty is required by the applicable jurisdiction, the duration of any such implied warranty, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, is limited to five years. Leviton is not liable for incidental,indirect, special, or consequential damages, including without limitation, damage to, or loss of use of, any equipment, lost sales or profits or delay or failure to perform this warranty obligation. The remedies provided herein are the exclusive remedies under this warranty, whether based on contract, tort or otherwise.Testing your Switch prior to mounting in wall box:Step 5Programmer/ControllerCat. No. VRCPGNOTE: Programmer/Controller must be in closeproximity to switch when including in the network.For additional information, contact Leviton’sTechline at 1-800-824-3005 or visit Leviton’swebsite at www.ViziaRF+.comProtected under U.S. Patent Number 6,388,399 and patents pendingand licensed under U.S. Patents Numbers 5,905,442, and 5,982,103This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B DigitalDevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment OFF and ON, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving Antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician for help.FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENTPush PadLocatorLightNOTE: The locator light will illuminate when the load isin the OFF position to facilitate access in the dark.Push Pad (Default settings)Turn ON from OFF position:Tap – Lights turn ON.Turn OFF from ON position:Tap – Lights turn OFF.If there is a power outage, when the power is restored,the lights will return to the last setting before the power interruption.Cleaning: Clean with a damp cloth. DO NOT use chemical cleaners.OPERATIONTROUBLESHOOTING• Lights Flickering- Lamp has a bad connection.- Wires not secured firmly under terminal screws of switch and/or remote.• Light does not turn ON and Locator LED does not turn ON- Circuit breaker or fuse has tripped.- Lamp is burned out.- Lamp Neutral connection is not wired.• Remote does not operate lights- Ensure that total wire length does not exceed 300 ft (90 m).Step 9 Excluding Switch from Z-Wave®Network:NOTE: It is very important to accurately Exclude devices fromthe network when moving or removing a device from a Z-Wave®network. This ensures that all information has been removed from your PrimaryProgrammer/Controllers information table and is not counted on to be part ofthe mesh network.A) If using a Leviton Z-Wave®Programmer/Controller, Cat. No. VRCPG, pressthe Menu button and scroll down to System Setup. Press the center buttonto select System Setup Menu. Choose Advanced Settings. Press thecenter button to select Network.B) While standing close to the switch (approximately 1 foot), press the centerbutton to device from the network.C) While the Programmer/Controller is in the Exclusion mode and the locatorLED is ON on the Dimmer, press the push pad to turn on the switch. TheProgrammer/Controller will verify Exclusion and the locator LED will turn OFF.If the switch is flashing Amber while in the Exclusion mode, theProgrammer/Controller is still trying to communicate with the switch. Waituntil the device stops flashing, then press the push pad.Factory Default:If your switch is not responding, or you are unable to control it after you havetried to Include/Exclude it multiple times, it may be necessary to reset the switchto its original factory settings. To accomplish this, proceed as follows:• On the switch, engage the air-gap switch by gentlypressing the top of the push pad until the bottom liftscompletely out of the frame and a click is heard (referto figure). Wait 5 seconds and then press the push padback into the frame and hold push pad until the locatorLED turns Amber and then flashes Red. The switch isnow reset. Once the switch is reset, it will be necessaryto Re-Include it to a network before it can be used.CAUTION: SETTING A DEVICE TO A FACTORYDEFAULT DOES NOT EXCLUDE THAT DEVICE FROMA NETWORK. THE EXCLUSION PROCEDURE MUSTSTILL BE FOLLOWED TO REMOVE THE DEVICE FROMTHE PRIMARY CONTROLLER’S INFORMATION TABLE.FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN SYSTEM THAT ISSLOW TO RESPOND, OR MAY FAIL TO RESPOND TOSOME DEVICES.Step 8 Including Switch into Z-Wave®Network:NOTES:• If using a non-Leviton Programmer/Controller, refer to theProgrammer/Controller instruction sheet for Including a device.• If using VRCPG install checklist go directly to step B.A) If using a Leviton Z-Wave®Programmer/Controller, Cat. No. VRCPG,press the Menu button and scroll down to System Setup. Press thecenter button to select System Setup Menu. Choose Advanced Settings.Press the center button to select Network.B) While standing close to the switch(approximately 1 foot), press the center buttonto device in the network.NOTE: Only one device may be included ata time. DO NOT put multiple devices into theInclusion mode at any time.C) While the Programmer/Controller is in theInclusion mode and the Locator LED is ON onthe switch, press the push pad to turn on theswitch. The Programmer/Controller will verifyinclusion and the Locator LED will turn OFF.If the switch is flashing Amber while in theInclusion mode, the Programmer/Controller isstill trying to communicate with the switch. Waituntil the device stops flashing, then press thepush pad.NOTE: If the Locator LED on the switch turnssolid Red while including, there has been acommunication error. Refer to Troubleshootingsection.1 ON2 ON3 ON4 ONOFFOFFOFFOFFProgrammer/ControllerCat. No. VRCPGMenuButtonCenterButton• Position all wires to provide room in outletwall box for device.• Ensure that the word “TOP” is facing up ondevice strap.• Partially screw in mounting screws in wallbox mounting holes.NOTE: Dress wires with a bend as shownin diagram in order to relieve stress whenmounting device.Switch Mounting:TURN OFF POWER ATCIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE.Step 6Installation may now be completed by tighteningmounting screws into wall box. Attach wallplate.Restore Power:Restore power at circuit breaker or fuse.Installation is complete.Step 7Step 4c 3-Way Wiring with Matching Remote(w/LEDs) Application:1BK WHRDYL/RDAdditionalNeutral WireTerminalScrewmarkedBlack (BK)TerminalScrewmarkedYellow/Red(YL/RD)BKRDYL/RD435TerminalScrew markedRed (RD)Matching Remote Switch431252Hot (Black)Neutral (White)LoadSwitchMatching SwitchRemote (with LEDs)YL/RD YL/RDRDBKBlackWhiteLine120VAC, 60HzGreenGroundGreenGroundWH BK WHGently press topof push padNOTE: The switch must be installed in a wall box that has a Loadconnection. The matching remote must be installed in a wall box witha Line Hot connection and a Neutral connection. A Neutral wire to thematching remote needs to be added as shown.If you are unsure about any part of these instructions, consult a qualifiedelectrician.NOTE: Maximum wire length from switch to all installed remotes cannotexceed 300 ft (90 m).WIRING MATCHING REMOTE (wall box with line hotconnection):Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:• Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.• Line Hot (common) wall box wire identified (tagged) when removingold switch and First Traveler to Remote terminal marked BK.• Second Traveler wall box wire from switch to remote terminal screwmarked "YL/RD" (note wire color). This traveler from the remote mustgo to Yellow/Red switch terminal screw.• Line Neutral wall box to remote terminal screw marked "WH".WIRING SWITCH (wall box with load connection):Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:• Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.• Load wall box wire identified (tagged) when removing old switch toRed terminal screw.• First Traveler Line Hot to Black terminal screw.• Remove Red insulating label from Yellow/Red terminal screw.• Second Traveler wall box wire (note color as above) to Yellow/Redterminal screw. This traveler from the switch must go to the terminalscrew on the remote marked "YL/RD".• Line neutral wall box wire to White terminal screw.• Proceed to Step 5.D) The Primary Programmer/Controller will assign a node ID number(Name) for this device.NOTE: This ID number (Name) will be stored in the controller to beused for future reference.NOTE: You may name or edit your device at this time.E) The switch is now installed in the network.NOTE: If the switch has been successfully Included in the network and theuser tries to Include it again without first excluding it from the network, theswitch will retain the first node ID it had received and ignore the second.Step 8 cont’d2008 © Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc.ADVANCED PROGRAMMING FEATURESLocator LED Locator LED Option SettingDefault ActiveFirst toggle Turns off 5 seconds after useDefinition of ModeLED Option: Sets the Locator LED timeout to 5 seconds after use.To enter programming mode press and hold the push pad for 10 secondsuntil the locator LED begins to blink. Upon holding the push pad the LEDOption will automatically be changed.
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