Loss of ECP Supervision (AlarmNet Device) Troubleshooting for Vista Low P Panels - Step-by-Step

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Tech Support
Updated 7/11/08
Loss of ECP Supervision
AlarmNet Device and Low End Vista/First Alert
When used in ECP, 4204, or 2-4204 mode, the AlarmNe
t device supervises the ECP
connection to the alarm control panel. If this con
nection is lost, or is interfered with, the
AlarmNet device will generate an E355 or
5555 5515 5
message to central station.
The following are specific things that could cause
an E355:
- Reversed ECP Yellow/Green.
- Open or Shorted connection on any of the four EC
P wires.
- Over drawing current on power source.
- Duplicate address on any ECP device.
- Noise Interference into ANY ECP wire run.
- AlarmNet device not enabled in panel programming
- AlarmNet device ECP address mismatch to panel pr
Section I Troubleshooting: Non-Restoring E355 or N
ot Sending Panel Alarms
1. Review Root File.
A. Check Device Address – Must be set to 03.

Can also be checked this by viewing the zone repor
ted with the E341
tamper message. 13410
2. Check Device Status – Alarms.
A. Has the device sent an E355 report that hasn’t r

Inspect and rework
connections at the device. Connections should be:
to 3, Black to 4, Yellow to 5 and Green to 6.

Inspect and rework
connections at the panel.
B. Has the device sent a 353 report?

This report
come from the panel, proceed to step 3-C.
3. Check Panel Programming.
A. Is panel enabled for LRR?
B. Is an account number programmed in panel?
C. Is customer waiting for dialer delay to expire?
D. Is Dynamic Signaling set correctly?
E. Do the zones/options being tested have report co
des greater than “00”
programmed for the first pair of digits?
F. Has the panel dialer been shutdown via Compass?

Shutting down the panel dialer will stop the panel
from reporting alarms via
telephone line and AlarmNet device.
: If the system didn’t appear to send reports, fir
st contact your Central Station. If no
reports were received, contact AlarmNet Technical S
upport and have your City Code,
CSID and Subscriber ID available. In addition, mak
e sure you have access to the device,
the panel keypad and a meter while on the phone bef
ore calling
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Tech Support
Updated 7/11/08
Test Procedure
Set Dynamic Signaling Delay to 0 seconds.
Enable keypad panic zone 99 in panel, as zone type
07-Audible Panic, and to report,
with a report code of, “First 11, Second 00”.
Exit program mode and press this sequence, “# + 0
+ * + 0”.
Now press the asterisk and pound (* & #) together.
The Yellow Message LED on the device should come o
n steady.
Next, the Yellow Message LED will blink rapidly, a
nd finally go out.
Next, disarm system.
System may be disarmed just seconds after activati
ng panic, as panic alarm
reports never follow dialer delay.
Section II Troubleshooting: Reoccurring or Swingin
g E355/R355
1. Review Root File.
A. Check Device Address – Must be set to 03.

Can also be checked this by viewing the zone repor
ted with the E341
tamper message. 13410
2. Check Device Status – Alarms
A. Determine how often the device is sending E355 t
o R355?

If reports are repeatedly back-to-back, this could
indicate that the device is
not enabled in panel programming, or another device
on same address.
3. Check Panel Programming.
A. Is panel enabled for LRR?
4. Check ECP Connections.
A. Check Revision of panel. Is it compatible with
ECP mode?
B. Remove all ECP devices except the AlarmNet devic
e and a single keypad,
connected at the panel.
C. Remove all field wiring except AlarmNet device,
including keypad.
D. Inspect and rework
ECP connections at the device. Connections should
Red to 3, Black to 4, Yellow to 5 and Green to 6.
E. Inspect and rework
ECP connections at the panel.
F. If AlarmNet device is not at the panel, bring it
to the panel and connect alone –
no field wiring.
G. Connect keypad on AlarmNet device terminals, col
or for color. Verify that the
keypad can operate the panel from here.
If the system continues to swing the Loss of ECP
Supervision, contact AlarmNet
Technical Support and have your City Code, CSID and
Subscriber ID available. In
addition, make sure you have access to the device,
the panel keypad and a meter while
on the phone before calling
of 2

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Document Transcript

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Tech Support
Updated 7/11/08

Loss of ECP Supervision
AlarmNet Device and Low End Vista/First Alert

When used in ECP, 4204, or 2-4204 mode, the AlarmNe
t device supervises the ECP
connection to the alarm control panel. If this con
nection is lost, or is interfered with, the
AlarmNet device will generate an E355 or
5555 5515 5
message to central station.

The following are specific things that could cause
an E355:
- Reversed ECP Yellow/Green.
- Open or Shorted connection on any of the four EC
P wires.
- Over drawing current on power source.
- Duplicate address on any ECP device.
- Noise Interference into ANY ECP wire run.
- AlarmNet device not enabled in panel programming
- AlarmNet device ECP address mismatch to panel pr

Section I Troubleshooting: Non-Restoring E355 or N
ot Sending Panel Alarms

1. Review Root File.
A. Check Device Address – Must be set to 03.

Can also be checked this by viewing the zone repor
ted with the E341
tamper message. 13410
2. Check Device Status – Alarms.
A. Has the device sent an E355 report that hasn’t r

Inspect and rework
connections at the device. Connections should be:
to 3, Black to 4, Yellow to 5 and Green to 6.

Inspect and rework
connections at the panel.
B. Has the device sent a 353 report?

This report
come from the panel, proceed to step 3-C.
3. Check Panel Programming.
A. Is panel enabled for LRR?
B. Is an account number programmed in panel?
C. Is customer waiting for dialer delay to expire?
D. Is Dynamic Signaling set correctly?
E. Do the zones/options being tested have report co
des greater than “00”
programmed for the first pair of digits?
F. Has the panel dialer been shutdown via Compass?

Shutting down the panel dialer will stop the panel
from reporting alarms via
telephone line and AlarmNet device.

: If the system didn’t appear to send reports, fir
st contact your Central Station. If no
reports were received, contact AlarmNet Technical S
upport and have your City Code,
CSID and Subscriber ID available. In addition, mak
e sure you have access to the device,
the panel keypad and a meter while on the phone bef
ore calling

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Tech Support
Updated 7/11/08

Test Procedure

Set Dynamic Signaling Delay to 0 seconds.

Enable keypad panic zone 99 in panel, as zone type
07-Audible Panic, and to report,
with a report code of, “First 11, Second 00”.

Exit program mode and press this sequence, “# + 0
+ * + 0”.

Now press the asterisk and pound (* & #) together.

The Yellow Message LED on the device should come o
n steady.
Next, the Yellow Message LED will blink rapidly, a
nd finally go out.

Next, disarm system.
System may be disarmed just seconds after activati
ng panic, as panic alarm
reports never follow dialer delay.

Section II Troubleshooting: Reoccurring or Swingin
g E355/R355

1. Review Root File.
A. Check Device Address – Must be set to 03.

Can also be checked this by viewing the zone repor
ted with the E341
tamper message. 13410
2. Check Device Status – Alarms
A. Determine how often the device is sending E355 t
o R355?

If reports are repeatedly back-to-back, this could
indicate that the device is
not enabled in panel programming, or another device
on same address.
3. Check Panel Programming.
A. Is panel enabled for LRR?
4. Check ECP Connections.
A. Check Revision of panel. Is it compatible with
ECP mode?
B. Remove all ECP devices except the AlarmNet devic
e and a single keypad,
connected at the panel.
C. Remove all field wiring except AlarmNet device,
including keypad.
D. Inspect and rework
ECP connections at the device. Connections should
Red to 3, Black to 4, Yellow to 5 and Green to 6.
E. Inspect and rework
ECP connections at the panel.
F. If AlarmNet device is not at the panel, bring it
to the panel and connect alone –
no field wiring.
G. Connect keypad on AlarmNet device terminals, col
or for color. Verify that the
keypad can operate the panel from here.

If the system continues to swing the Loss of ECP
Supervision, contact AlarmNet
Technical Support and have your City Code, CSID and
Subscriber ID available. In
addition, make sure you have access to the device,
the panel keypad and a meter while
on the phone before calling
