MyWebTech Technical Notification #89 - Marginal AT&T 4G LTE Signal LTE-XA - Dated 02/22/23

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Document Transcript

Technical Notification #89

Technical Updates Directly
Technical Notification #089


Marginal 4G LTE signal
strength installations

LTE-XA Communicator

February 22,

Dear Valued Customers:

This communication is intended to alert customers of a potential AT&T 4G LTE marginal signal
strength installation, where a Resideo LTE-XA communicator is installed.
AT&T (the LTE-XA carrier) has shut down the company's 3G towers in the United States as a result of
its 3G network sunsetting campaign. This may have caused some site installations to experience poor
or marginal 4G LTE signal strength.
Resideo is advising all customers who may have experienced a marginal 4G LTE signal strength
installation, related to the AT&T 3G tower shutdown, to verify their LTE-XA signal quality using the
Device Status page of AlarmNet 360 (
). Sufficient signal quality will always be
2 bars or higher (as shown below). Properly installed 4G LTE sites are not affected.

Please follow the suggestions below to improve signal quality:

The green signal LED on the radio must remain solid

Install an indoor blade antenna, Resideo P/N: CELL-ANTHB

If the signal is still marginal, move the communicator to a location where signal quality (bars) is

Install an outdoor antenna Resideo P/N: CELL-ANT3DB50KT

Some locations may benefit from replacing the LTE-XA communicator with a Resideo CAT-M1
communicator P/N: LTEM-XA
Thank you for your continued support of Resideo products. If you have any questions or require
further assistance, please contact your district managers or Resideo Technical support at 800-222-

Yann Celle
Product Manager
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
