Technical Notice #58 Vista-21iP Unintentional Alarm Suppression - Dated 03/08/21

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Technical Notification #058


Technical Notice #58
Technical Updates Directly


Vista-21iP Unintentional Alarm Suppression

Vista-21iP Control Panels

March 8, 2021

Dear Valued Customer,

Resideo Tech Support has recently discovered a prog
ramming scenario that under certain
circumstances could cause unintentional suppression
of burglary alarm reports to the Central
Station on the Vista-21iP at firmware version 4.25
only [produced Dec 2016 thru March 2019].
Local annunciation of the burglary alarm is not aff
ected, nor is alarm reporting of life-safety zones
such as Fire, CO, or Panic impacted. We have not r
eceived any reports of any personal injury
related to such programming anomaly.
This notification is being sent to advise our custo
mers of the issue and offer a panel programming
adjustment to prevent unintentional alarm suppressi
on on version 4.25.
Resideo recommends that you access your Compass Sof
tware as soon as possible and check
programming on all Vista 21iP products you installe
d between December 2016 and August 2019.
Please modify the programming with one of the optio
ns as set forth below:
Program option *93 Reports per Armed Period should
be set to 0-Unlimited
Program option *70 Restore Reporting should NOT be
set to 0. Select options 1, 2, or 3.
Once complete follow normal post-downloading test p
As a reminder, Resideo recommends weekly testing of
the alarm system to ensure all sensors and
notifications are working and reporting properly. W
e apologize for any inconvenience and
appreciate your cooperation and understanding while
we work to resolve this issue.
Thank you in advance for your continued support of
Resideo products. If you have any questions or
require further assistance, please contact your loc
al Sales District Manager or Customer
Service/Technical Support at 1-800-645-7492.


Robert Marabella
Sr Portfolio Manager – Security
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
