2GIG Go!Control Firmware Updates
If you need to update a 2GIG GC2e panel, then please go to the GC2e Firmware Update Page

1.19.4 Release Notes
2GIG GC2 Firmware:
- Current GC2 Firmware: V1.19.4
- Current Updater Tool: Updater Tool Firmware V1.22
- Panel Firmware: V1.19.4
Important Note about the 2GIG TS1/TS2: The 2GIG TS1/TS2 firmware is included in the firmware package for the 2GIG GC2. Although the 2GIG GC2 is now on version 1.19.4, the latest version available for the 2GIG TS1 is When updating the GC2 panel to 1.19.4, make sure any TS1 keypads being used are updated to so that they will function correctly with the panel.
For instructions on updating the 2GIG Easy Updater Tool, click here.
For instructions on updating the 2GIG panel using the 2GIG Easy Updater Tool, click here.
For video instructions on updating the 2GIG panel using the 2GIG UPCBL2 Updater Cable, click here.
Whether you are updating the panel using the Easy Updater Tool or the Update Cable, you will need a driver file to be installed prior to using either device. 2GIG seems to have included the driver file with each update file they release for the 2GIG GC2e, however, that has not always been the case with the 2GIG GC2. If the driver file is not included in the zip file you download, you can get it here: CDM21228_setup.exe
Previous Versions
Read the 2GIG GC2 Full Release Notes
Release Notes
Version 1.19.3 adds support for the AT&T LTE Communicator for the 2GIG GC2
Release Notes
The following features are supported with GC2 1.19.1 Firmware release:
- SecureNet LTE CAT1 radio support on Verizon (2GIG-LTEV1-NET-GC2)
- EN50131 Grade II European Standard
TS1 Notes
- TS1 Keypads must be v1.16+ to be compatible with GC2 version or higher.
Release Notes
Support for ATT and Vodafone 3G Cell Modules on SecureNet
The Go!Control firmware now supports AT&T and Vodafone 3G Cell modules on SecureNet when using the 2GIG-3GAX-NET-GC2 and 2GIGGC3GVFX-NET cell modules. 2GIG-GC3GVFX-NET Note: Cell module does not support 2-way audioRelease Notes
Connectivity with Icontrol One Remote Service
The GC2 firmware v1.16 now supports Icontrol One service. Icontrol is a remote service provider of interactive security and Home Automation. With this new option, users have a new option for signal forwarding and Home Automation. The 2GIG Go!Control Panel requires firmware v1.16 and the 2GIG Cellular Radio for Icontrol (2GIG‐GC3GAX‐IC).Connectivity with SecureNet Remote Service
The GC2 firmware v1.16 now supports SecureNet. With this new option, users can be monitored by companies that offer Securenet monitoring for the 2GIG Go!Control security system. The 2GIG Control Panel requires firmware v1.16 and the 2GIG Cellular Radio for SecureNet (2GIG‐GCCDMVX‐NET). If dual path is preferred, add the 2GIG Go!Bridge IP Communicator (2GIG‐BRDG1‐900).Updated Equipment Codes
Two new codes have been added to the firmware. These codes are selected by the installer when pairing peripheral devices with the panel. These new codes are supported by Alarm.com, SecureNet, and Icontrol. The new equipment codes are as follows:- (1067) 2GIG Repeater
- (1068) 2GIG Translator (Coming Soon!)
Updated Zone Types
A new zone type has been added to firmware version v1.16. The zone type is selected by the installer when pairing the panel with peripheral devices that utilize localized troubles (such as RF jam or AC loss detected by the peripheral device). The new zone type is as follows:- (32) Remote device
- (334) LOS
- (338) LOW BATT
- (341) TAMPER
- (342) AC LOSS*
- (344) RF JAM
Before you can pair a 2GIG Wireless Touch Screen Keypad (2GIG‐TS1) to a 2GIG‐GC2 Panel, the keypad firmware version must also be upgraded to the same panel firmware version using the 2GIG Firmware Update Cable (2GIG‐UPCBL2), an Over‐the‐Air (OTA) update, or via the Easy Updater for GC2 and TS1.Release Notes
This section details the new features and enhancements for the release of the 2GIG GC2 Panel Firmware Version 1.13. To download the firmware update, press the button above.- Support for the Linear Z-Wave Garage Door Opener Remote Controller Accessory (GD00Z)
- Support for the Linear Z-Wave Siren & Strobe (WA105DBZ-1)
- Provides improved navigation to Energy Information - Installers can now access the systsem's energy features more quickly. This update also supports multi-channel Z-Wave energy interoperability for a single energy meter.
Previous Firmware Releases
To learn about the features and enhancements in a previous firmware release, visit: http://2gig.com/dealers/support-materials/release-notes-technical-bulletins/
Release Notes
- Support for the 2GIG-GC3GA-T 3G cell radio and associated Telguard Remote Services
- A fix for the scenario where Z-Wave lock codes were being removed after system configuration changes
- Minor Spanish language corrections