2GIG Batt1X
Go!Control Standard Battery Pack

This product is not sold by Alarm Grid at this time. As an alternative, we recommend:
The 2GIG BATT1X is the standard backup battery that is included with all 2GIG Control Panels. It is designed to offer backup power in the event of AC power loss to the alarm system. The battery life after AC loss occurs is approximately 4 to 6 hours. When AC power is present the battery will remain charged in the panel.
The BATT1X does not support UL985 installations. To comply with the secondary supply requirement in UL 985 Household Fire Warning System Units, you must install the 2GIG BATT2X. This is a high capacity battery backup pack that is sold separately. The BATT2X is designed to last up to 24 hours. Both of these batteries are designed solely for the CP21-345 aka Go!Control 2, not the GC3.
Brand: 2GIG
2GIG Batt1X Compatible Products