Desk Mount Kit for WT5500 Wireless Keypad
The DSC WT5500DMK is a kit for the DSC WT5500 and WT5500P Keypads that includes a desk mount and a transformer. The desk mount eliminates the need to mount the keypad to the wall, thereby making installation easier. The transformer provides consistent and reliable power to the device.
The main purpose of the WT5500 Keypads is to provide a secondary point of access for a DSC Impassa or primary access for a DSC PowerSeries System. These devices are often installed near entryways so that users can conveniently arm or disarm their system as they are coming or going. But by using a desk mount, a user can rest the keypad on a desk or table and not have to mount it to the wall.
Meanwhile, the included plug-in transformer will provide consistent electrical power for the keypad. This can greatly improve the device's backup battery life, which is fairly short if no transformer is being used. Overall, this desk mount and transformer package can be a convenient option for many WT5500 users.
Brand: DSC