Honeywell 5875
Wireless Home Automation Lamp Module

This product has been discontinued and is no longer in stock.
The Honeywell 5875 wireless home automation lamp module allows you to control any lamp in your home remotely using any Honeywell 5800 series wireless security key fob. You no longer have to leave your lights on, or enter a darkened house when coming home at night. From the convenience of your driveway, you can turn on any light in your home that is connected to a 5875, giving you the security of coming home to a well-lit environment, and providing you with peace of mind.
Simply plug the Honeywell 5875 RF lamp module into any 110V outlet, and then plug your lamp into the 5875. Starting with the light off, press and hold the small button on the side of the 5875 lamp module, and the lamp will turn on. Continue holding the button down until the lamp turns off. Then, release the button and the lamp should turn back on. After waiting one second, press the button on the 5800 series wireless key fob that you want to control the lamp, and you have successfully programmed your Honeywell 5875. If the lamp does not turn on when you hold the button on the Honeywell 5875 lamp module, then turn the light on, using the switch on the lamp itself. Then, press the button on the 5875 once and the lamp should turn off, and you can restart the programming process from the beginning. To delete all the remotes programmed into a module, start with the lamp off. Hold down the button on the 5875 while the light turns on and off two times, and after releasing the button, all remotes will be deleted.
Note that you must keep the key fob at least 5' away from the 5875 during the programming process, and when attempting to turn the lamp on and off or the device may not function properly.
You can add up to (7) security key fob buttons to a single 5875 wireless lamp module, or you can control multiple Honeywell 5875 devices with just one key fob button. With a range of up to 150', you can now be free to control your lamp from anywhere on your property!
Brand: Honeywell