XT Plastics XTBASE
Desk Mount for Simon XT, XTi & XTi-5

This product has been discontinued and is no longer in stock.
The XT Plastics XTBASE is a desk mount or table stand for the Simon XT, Simon XTi and Simon XTi-5 Systems from Interlogix. By using this desk mount, a user will not need to mount their system or drill any holes into their wall. Instead, the system can be rested on any sturdy table or desk.
Desk mounts are one of the best accessories available for DIY users. Many people are turned-off with the idea of installing their own alarm system, simply because they don't want to mount their panel to the wall. With the XT Plastics XTBASE, this need can be eliminated entirely. The installation process is made much easier with a desk mount. From there, most wireless sensors can be mounted using double-sided foam tape. This eliminates the need to drill any holes when setting up the system and its equipment. Before the user knows it, they will have a complete security system and sensors setup and installed.
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