Get Total Connect Alarm Monitoring from Alarm Grid
When you're not at home, setup text or email alerts in the app so that you can know whenever there is something happening that shouldn't be happening. If there is an intrusion, you will know within seconds, which will give you the ability to protect your family more quickly than you otherwise could have.
- Click here to login to Total Connect.
- Click here to download the Total Connect App on your phone.
Alarm Grid, in partnership with Criticom Monitoring Services, provides the most reliable and secure central station monitoring in the industry by offering the redundancy of 3 networked and load balanced monitoring facilities (NJ, FL and CA). Alarm Grid will monitor unlimited zones so you can be sure your family and property are safe and protected at all times while making you eligible for a homeowner’s insurance discount which can sometimes even cover the cost of your monitoring service. All of our UL Listed Central Station plans connect your system to a live operator 24/7 who can call the proper authorities for dispatching in case of a confirmed break-in, fire, or any other type of emergency. Alarm Grid is always there when you need us and best of all, we have no activation fees, no contracts, and no hidden charges!
Basic Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Landline or Internet Monitoring
per month
Interactive Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Internet Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation

per month
- UL Listed Central Station
- Cellular Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Video & Cellular Monitoring- UL Listed Central Station
- Cellular Monitoring
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Remote Home Automation
- Video Surveillance

per month
While we always encourage central station service, some security system owners do not need or want a central station involved. Alarm Grid’s self monitoring plans are less expensive and allow access to the great features offered by Total Connect,, or Telguard without being connected to the central station. Additionally, aside from Self Bronze, all of Alarm Grid’s self monitoring plans allow remote access to the robust home automation options made available through a Z-Wave enabled security system. Whether you live in a region where central station service is not available or desired, self monitoring (offered world wide via internet communications) is a cost effective option for keeping you connected and up to date with your professional security system.
Self Bronze
Basic Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Internet Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web

per month
Self Silver
Z-Wave Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Internet Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Self Gold
Cellular Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Cellular Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation

per month
Self Platinum
Video & Cellular Interactive- Email, Text & Push Notifications
- Cellular Communication
- Arm / Disarm via Phone & Web
- Remote Home Automation
- Video Surveillance

per month
Feature Explanation
E-mail & Phone AlertsHoneywell revolutionized the alarm monitoring industry when they developed their AlarmNet division in 1986. AlarmNet is made up of a Network Control Center that utilizes internet and cellular communications to provide Honeywell security systems with an alternative communication path to a traditional phone line for alarm monitoring services. AlarmNet internet, cellular and dual path (internet backed by cellular) alarm monitoring communicators provide fast, secure and reliable alarm communications for Honeywell security systems. By upgrading a Honeywell security system with an AlarmNet alarm monitoring communicator, you are able to have your system monitored by a central station without needing a traditional phone line at your property. This is a huge advantage as it allows people that don’t have phone lines a convenient way to protect their family and their property. Also, for people that pay for traditional phone service because they think they need it for the monitoring of their Honeywell security system, AlarmNet provides them with an option for eliminating that costly monthly phone bill.
However, AlarmNet is much more than an alternative alarm communication path because AlarmNet also offers the Total Connect service. Total Connect is an amazing interactive alarm monitoring service that allows you to remotely control your Honeywell security system from a web based account. Using a computer or a free application on a iPhone®, iPad®, Blackberry® or Android device, you can arm or disarm your Honeywell security system with the touch of a button. The Total Connect service essentially gives you a wireless virtual keypad that you can take anywhere.
In addition to the remote control aspect of the Total Connect service, you can also use your Total Connect account to program your security system to send out instant emails and/or text messages whenever a new security system event occurs. Whether its a new alarm event, a sensor trouble signal, a security system low battery or any other event you want real time updates on, you will know right away when there is a change with your security system. These messages can be sent out to any number of email addresses of cell phone numbers. You can even customize certain events to go to certain emails or numbers.
There are two versions of the Total Connect service depending on which Honeywell security system you have. The original Total Connect 1.0 service allows you to remotely control your security system and program up to eight security system events for email/text message notifications. The more advanced Total Connect 2.0 service is compatible with the graphic touchscreen LYNX Touch wireless security systems as well as other newer Honeywell security systems. Total Connect 2.0 has an updated graphical interface that makes it much more user friendly as well as some exciting new interactive features.
With Total Connect 2.0, certain Honeywell security systems such as the L5100 LYNX Touch can be upgraded with Advanced Protection Logic (APL) which protects your security system from an intruder that may look to destroy the security system during the programmed entry delay. With APL turned on, as soon as an entry delay zone is breached, AlarmNet’s Network Control Center receives a signal and if an alarm or a disarm signal is not received by the end of the programmed entry delay time (because the security system has been destroyed), an alarm will still be sent to the central station. This is an extremely important security feature as more people are choosing to install wireless all-in-one security system like the LYNX Touch.
Total Connect 2.0 can also alert you to real time zone status changes. Instead of just getting an email or text when an alarm, trouble or low battery is triggered by an alarm sensor, Total Connect 2.0 takes it a step further by alerting you every time the sensor is faulted. This feature is great for protecting important areas in your home or business such as liquor cabinets, gun cabinets, or offices with sensitive documents. Even when your security system is disarmed, you will know as soon as someone has accessed one of these critical areas.
With all of the new advancements to AlarmNet’s Total Connect service, a Total Connect account does much more than just protect your property from intrusion! With Total Connect 1.0 or 2.0, you can add AlarmNet IP cameras so that you can view your property remotely through the same Total Connect account that you use to control your security system. Also, with Total Connect 2.0 and a LYNX Touch wireless security system that has been upgraded with a L5100-ZWAVE or a VISTA alarm system equipped with a Tuxedo Touch WIFI or VAM automation controller, you can even access remote home automation features to control Z-Wave® lights, locks, thermostats, water valves and even garage door controllers!. With a Total Connect account you will be fully connected to your home no matter where you are!
You can only get a Total Connect account by signing up through an alarm monitoring company that offers AlarmNet’s monitoring services. AlarmNet does not offer the Total Connect service directly to an end user. However, Alarm Grid is a unique AlarmNet dealer because we allow you to choose a customized Total Connect monitoring plan that gives you the exact level of service you desire.
The Bronze plan for $15/month is traditional central station alarm monitoring and is the only plan we offer that doesn't offer Total Connect. With the Silver plan for $25/month, you can get central station service via an internet alarm communicator AND all of the great Total Connect interactive features that provide remote security and home automation control. While it’s great to be connected at all times to your Honeywell security system for non-critical events, you should always have the local authorities available to respond to an alarm at your property as well. If you have a system with a cellular or dual path (IP and cellular) alarm communicator, you can get all of the same features as the Silver plan but also the security of knowing it will work when the internet is offline with the Gold plan for $35/month. If you add video, the Platinum plan is $45/month.
With a Self Monitoring plan, you can connect your Honeywell security system to the Total Connect service without having to pay extra for a full central station monitoring service. Choose the Self Bronze plan for $10/month if you have an AlarmNet internet alarm monitoring communicator and don't need remote Z-Wave control. Choose the Self Silver plan for $15/month if you are using an internet alarm communicator and want remote system and Z-Wave control. The Self Gold plan for $25/month offers the same services as the Self Silver but also allows you to connect your system to a cellular or dual path alarm communicator so that your service will work even when the internet is offline. Finally, the Self Platinum plan for $35/month allows you to tie in AlarmNet IPCAMs so that you can view your property from your Total Connect account and setup motion activated 10-second video clip recordings that are saved to your account.