Arm Stay Vs. Arm Instant
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In this video, Jarrett explains the difference between Arm Stay and Arm Instant on a system. When a system is Armed Instant, it will ignore any Entry Delay Periods. This means that activating an Entry/Exit Zone while the system is Armed Instant will cause an immediate alarm with no chance to Disarm.
When an Entry/Exit Zone is activated while the system is Armed Stay or Armed Away, an Entry Delay Period goes into effect. This Entry Delay Period gives the end user a chance to Disarm the system before an alarm occurs. If the system is not Disarmed within the set Entry Delay Period, then the system will go into alarm.
Armed Instant is the essentially same as Armed Stay. The only difference is that all Entry Delay Period will be effectively disabled. You will have no chance to Disarm the system if you activate an Entry/Exit Zone while the system is Armed Instant. Instead, the system will just immediately go into an intrusion alarm. The only ways to Disarm the system when Armed Instant without causing an alarm are to use a key fob, access Total Connect 2.0 or reach the panel or keypad without faulting a zone.
But other than this exception, Armed Instant and Armed Stay behave the same. All Interior Zones will be automatically bypassed. Perimeter Zones will still cause immediate alarms. A good way to think about Armed Instant versus Armed Stay is to think of Armed Away versus Armed Max. The Armed Max option is the same as Armed Away, except that Armed Max disables Entry Delay Periods.
Not all systems have an official Armed Instant setting. But there is a way to mimic Armed Instant on these panels. This done by setting the Entry Delay Period to zero. This will have the system behave as though it were Armed Instant when it is Armed Stay. Please note that some panels may not allow you to set the Entry Delay to zero.
Hey, DIYers. Jarrett with Alarm Grid here. Today we're going to be discussing the difference between Arm Stay and Arm Instant. Now the basic difference between Arm Stay mode and Arm Instant is that with Arm Instant, it's basically ignoring all of your entry delay setting that you have. So in other words, basically if you have any entry/exit zone programmed to the system and you have the system pro or set to an armed instant mode, then it will automatically trip the alarm as soon as you were to fault one of those entry/exit zones. Arm Stay and Arm Instant are basically one and the same in regards to bypassing the interior zones that you have set. So if you were home or if you're at your business and you wanted to roam around the office or roam around the home without setting off any alarms or doing anything like that, then you can put the system to an Armed Instant mode or an Armed Stay mode. Now if you did have the system to an Armed Stay mode or in an Armed Instant mode, just do keep in mind that you do not want to accidentally trip any of those entry/exit zones that you have set. Because it will set off the alarm automatically. Now if you were putting the system to an Armed Instant mode, you definitely want to make sure that there's no entry/exit zones in between you and the alarm system so that you can make sure that you're not setting off any false alarms. Now if that does happen to be an entry/exit zone in between you and the alarm system, there is an option that you could disarm the system via a key fob. Or if you had Total Connect 2.0, you can disarm the system through your phone or even You can do that as well. Now there are some systems out there that don't support the Armed Instant mode. But that's OK. There is a way that you could set the system to essentially mimic the settings for Arm Instant. And it's basically just turning off the entry delay settings for that system. So for the Honeywell Lyric right here, this system does not actually have an Arm Instant mode. So I'm going to be showing you real quick how to basically put the system to an Arm Instant by turning off the entry delay. So as of right now we are on the main screen. So if you were to hit Security, it's going to take you to the option where you would normally put the system to Armed Stay mode or Underway mode, whichever. So the fast way-- one of the fastest ways to turn off the entry delay is if you look at the bottom left, you'll see entry delay. So if you actually tap on that, it set to off. So now there are no entry delays for the system. So if you were to put the system to an Armed Stay mode, it is essentially going into an Armed Stay Instant. So you tap Arm Stay. Type in your master code. The default master code is 1-2-3-4. So as you can see, the system is clearly saying that it's in Arm Stay mode, and it says instant. So we're basically just mimicking the Arm Stay settings. So as you can see, Lyric is now into an Arm Stay Instant mode. But there is something I do want to show you real quick about the entry delay when you basically turn it off the easy way. So if we were to disarm the system, as you can see, we have disarmed the system. But if you look down at the bottom left, entry delay is back on. So that's if you were to set it that way. It will turn back on. So if you did want to put the system into an Armed Instant mode again, then you are going to have to tap that to turn it back off. Now for the Honeywell Vista system. This panel does actually have the option for Armed Instant. You don't have to take the steps with the Honeywell Lyric to be able to set the system to an Armed Stay Instant. So as we can see, we have the Vista key battery here. So there is an option to put the system to an Arm Stay mode and Arm Stay Instant. So to put the system to an Armed Stay mode, you're going to type in the master code followed by the number three. So the default master code for the system is 1-2-3-4. So real quick, I'm just going to arm the system to an Arm Stay mode so you can see the difference between Arm Stay and Arm Stay Instant. So-- Armed Stay. So as you see, the system is set to an Armed Stay mode. Didn't say anything about Arm Stay Instant. So right now the entry delay is turned on. So now if you were to arm the system to an armed-- now if you were to arm the system into an Armed Stay Instant mode, you're going to type in the master code again. But you're actually going to be pressing number seven. So if you type in two, three, four, seven. Armed Stay Instant. So as you can see, it did say Armed Stay Instant. So right now, the entry delay is turned off. So if you were to fault any of those entry/exit zones, it's going to trip the alarm automatically. And that is the difference between Arm Stay and Arm Instant. If you have any questions about how to arm your alarm system or alarm systems in general, please contact us at support at Or go to our website, If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe. If you want notifications on future videos, please click the bell icon. This is Jarrett with Alarm Grid. You have yourself a great day.
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