Batteries Used in the Resideo SiXCT Sensors
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In this video, Jarrett from Alarm Grid explains how Resideo SiXCT Contacts use lithium 3V CR123A batteries. Each sensor will require one (1) battery. The expected battery life for this sensor is about five (5) years with average use. Once the battery dies, it will need to be replaced with a new one.
The Honeywell SiXCT is a wireless door and window contact designed exclusively for use with the Resideo Lyric Alarm System. The sensor communicates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, though on a different channel than the commonly used WIFI frequency. One of the best aspects of this wireless sensor is that it utilizes 128-bit AES encryption in all of its wireless communication. This makes the sensor virtually impossible for others to hack or takeover wirelessly.
Like all wireless sensors, the Honeywell SiXCT needs a battery to power its communication with the panel. In this case, the sensor uses a single lithium 3V CR123A battery. The sensor gets a pretty good battery life, as it is expected to be five (5) years with regular usage. Once the battery begins to die and its voltage drops below a certain threshold, the panel will display a low battery trouble condition. This is to let the use know to replace the battery as soon as possible. This occurs when the voltage drops below 2.3V.
When it's time to change the battery for a Honeywell SiXCT, you just need to slide the front cover for the device away from the sensor's back portion. You can then pull the housing apart and access the battery compartment. When applying the new battery, make sure that the polarity is properly observed. You can then close the sensor and put it in its usual location. Make sure to use a lithium battery for the longest possible battery lifespan.
Hey, DIYers. Jarrett with Alarm Grid here. Today, we're going to discuss what batteries you can use with the Honeywell SiXCT sensors. Now, the batteries you can use are 3V or lithium 3V CR123A batteries. Now, the lifespan for these batteries are about five to six years with standard use. And if you ever needed to change out the battery, it is very, very simple. And any end user should be able to do it because it is very simple. Now, these Honeywell SiXCTs are only able to accept one battery each. They cannot use two or more batteries. It's only one battery. Now, to give you a little back story about the Honeywell SiXCT sensors, these are door and window contacts that you would use to basically monitor any doors and windows. And when you're setting these up, you want to make sure that you're setting up the magnet and the sensor at the appropriate distance. So for example, I do have a Honeywell SiXCT sensor here with the magnets. And when you're setting these up, normally you're going to put the magnets on the door frame or the window frame. I mean, you're going to have the sensor on the door frame of the window frame. And then you're going to have the magnets normally on the door or the window itself. Now, when you're setting these up, we do recommend that you have the magnets and the sensor at least touching or very close to each other. But worst case scenario, if there's a gap or anything like that, then you can push out the magnet about 3/4 of an inch from the sensor. So you want to keep that in mind when you're setting these up. Now, the Honeywell SiXCT sensors are designed to be able to be used with the Resideo Lyric controllers. Now, the communication method between the system and the sensor is going to be encrypted. It's going to be using a 128-bit encryption. Now, when you're using these sensors, whenever the magnet is pulled away from the sensor, for example, you have the magnet in the center sitting right here. And if the magnet were to be pulled away from the SiXCT, it's basically separating from the metal read switch on the inside. And this read switch then triggers a signal that the sensor has been opened or the door or window has been opened. And it will send a signal directly to the Honeywell Lyric panel itself. And again, that signal is going to be encrypted. It's going to use the 128-bit encryption method to send out that signal. So like all wireless sensors, they do use battery power to be able to send out alarm signals and send the status or show the status. So the action of the Honeywell SiXCT sensor is actually all mechanical. And the battery is mainly used to be able to allow it to send out the alarm signals and show the active status over to the panel. Now, there's a couple of different batteries that you can choose from for the SiXCTs. And that includes the lithium 3V CR123A battery. And then you have the Duracell DL123A, the Panasonic CR123A, and the Honeywell 466. Now, these batteries are compatible with the Honeywell SiXCT. And we do also have them available on our website too if you want to take a look at that. Now, when the Honeywell SiXCT communicates with the Honeywell Lyric system, it is sending out the active battery status as well. So if you ever wanted to check the battery status and see where you're at with that sensor, just hop into the Lyric, go into the certain zones, you can check it within the zones. And you'll be able to see that battery status. Now, the batteries for the SiXCT, as I've well mentioned, they use 3V. Now, whenever the battery drops below 2.3V, that's when the sensor is going to send out a low battery signal. So you can swap it out accordingly with one of the batteries I had mentioned. So whenever you get a low battery for that sensor, you always want to make sure that you change out the battery so you don't get an RF supervision loss for that zone. This is very important, especially if you want to make sure that the different areas are secure. Now, whenever you're changing out the battery for the Honeywell SiXCT, it's very simple, as I said early in the video. Basically, you just pop off the front cover. And you'll see the battery in the inside. And you'll be able to take it out, just put the new one in. So as you can see, I do have a Honeywell SiXCT right here. And what you'll do is basically you're just going to slide the cover off. Just push this cover and take it off. And as you can see, we have the battery in the inside. We have the tamper switch. Obviously, our battery is working right now, so we have the light blinking. So what you will do is you're going to take out the old battery. And when you're popping in the new battery, you want to make sure that you have the polarity correct. Right on the plastic, basically past the circuit board, you'll see a plus sign and a negative sign near the top and bottom. So when you're putting in your new battery, you want to make sure that you're aligning the positive and negative. So right now, our negative is at the bottom and the positive is at the top. So let's say we have a new battery, you just slide that in place. Make sure it's nice and snug in there. And you're basically just going to slide on the front plate. Again, so one last thing to add about the Honeywell SiXCT is that if you did want to check out an installation guide to be able to change the battery for this, there is going to be a link in the description below, so that should be able to help you out with doing that. But if anything, as I showed, it is very simple. And those are the batteries that are compatible with the Honeywell SiXCT sensors. If you have any questions about the Honeywell SiXCT or alarm systems in general, please contact us at or go to our website, If you find this video helpful, please like and subscribe. If you want notifications of future videos, please click the bell icon. This is Jarrett with Alarm Grid, give yourself a great day.
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