Can I Connect A Wired Smoke To My 2GIG GC3?
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Description In this FAQ Joe mentions that the hardwired zones are zones 6 and 7, he means they use terminals 6 and 7. Also, Joe mentions the ...
idealize Joey from alarm grid and today we're going to talk about how to connect a wired smoke detector to your gc3 system now the truth is you can't the gc3 system does have two hardwired zones on the system there's zone 6 and zone 7 but those are only going to really be used for security devices if you decide to do that you can't connect a smoke detector a glass break a motion detector or a carbon monoxide detector to those hard wired zones right on the system so you may be asking what do you do one of the easiest ways to interface existing hardwired smokes to your gc3 system is to use the device called an FF 345 now what this is it's a little microphone if you have the old-style it's going to be in a rectangular case if you have the new style it's going to be in a circular case it's got a little microphone inside of it and you basically install it next to an existing hardwired smoke detector and it's going to listen for that 3 tone temporal pulse that you'll get when a smoke alarm goes off with that installed it's going to program into the system the system will see it as a 5800 device a Honeywell 5800 device even though it's not and when that triggers and you have it programmed correctly it will set off a smoke alarm this is a really convenient device to use as many houses by code in many areas have an existing hardwired loop of smokes in the house that are all set to go off or one when one of them goes off they'll all go off so installing that next to an existing hardwired smoke will work also if you have some just standalone cheapie smokes from Home Depot or Lowe's or something like that a little battery-powered ones Kitty is a brand that comes to mind those also do work with the FF 345 just keep in mind that if you have battery-powered standalone smokes if one of them goes off they're not all going to go off so if your basement catches on fire and you're up and you're up in your bedroom and the smoke doesn't reach up there and you don't smell it with that smoke setup you won't know until you know if you do have an F F 345 though next to the smoke detector when that smoke detector goes off the system will trigger send a fire alarm and then you can be safe another option you have with the system is to use wireless smokes now the G C 3 system is compatible with 2gig sensors it's also compatible with Honeywell 5800 sensors which gives you quite a few different options I have some sensors right here this right here is the smk t3 - 345 now this is a 2gig smoke detector heat detector and freeze detector programs wirelessly right into the system and it works great these are easy to install as all wireless smokes are you just have to pop off its back base right here it has a little screw holes install this on the ceiling pop this on turn it on program it and you're good to go another smoke you can use this is from the Honeywell line this is the 5808w3 this is a smoke a heat and a high or low temp sensor this program is in the same as the the smk t3 - 345 right into programming and like the other smokes and as a base that pops off you screw it up the smoke on it clip it in it works great now there's a few other options that you have an either line in the 2gig sensors there's a SM kt2 - 345 that's just a smoke and heat detector it's real similar to this one it may be a little less expensive and if you aren't looking for the freeze detection that you would get on the smk t3 it can be a good option on the Honeywell side of things you have the 5800 Co which is just a regular old seat carbon monoxide detector you have the 50 806 heat detector which is a wireless standalone heat detector just a text heat heat detectors are best to be used in places where there's gases or things that may cause a false alarm on a smoke detector such as a kitchen with the kitchen kitchen smoke the garage furnace room or a bathroom those places are best to use a heat detector if you want to protect them from fire so the 50 806 is the wireless heat detector that works great one of the most popular products that we have on the fifty a hundred line though for smoke detection is the 5800 combo that's the actual name of the product you punch in and search for it that has heat fire and CO and it also has voice enunciation easy-to-use test buttons and it's a great device to use check it out on the website do you have any questions about connecting wired or wireless smokes to the gc3 system feel free to give us a call eight eight eight eight one eight seven seven two it number again is a two eight eight one eight seven seven two it you can also reach us on the website at support at alarm grid comm we hope you enjoyed the video if you did enjoy it feel free to subscribe or at the notification button to be updated when we post future ones and have a good day
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