Factory Resetting The Honeywell Lynx Touch L7000
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In this video, Jarrett demonstrates how to perform a factory reset on the Honeywell LYNX Touch L7000. This is done by loading one of the Default Configurations. The Default Configurations are found within programming. The panel's Installer Code must be provided to access the system programming menu.
Loading a Default Configuration and performing a factory reset will basically wipe the entire system. All its settings and configurations will be restored to the default. Any zones will need to be reprogrammed, all sensors will need to be re-learned, and all system options and selections must be reconfigured. The Master Code will be reset to 1234, while the Installer Code will be reset to 4112. All other codes will be cleared.
The most common reason to perform a factory reset is because the user has taken over the L7000 System from someone else, and they want to start from scratch with a completely fresh system. By performing a factory reset, the system will operate as though it is brand-new and fresh out of the box. The new user can then reconfigure the system to their linking and make it their own. This is often a better option than simply trying to readjust the system with its current settings and configurations.
Performing a factory reset might also be conducted as final troubleshooting step. If the system isn't responding properly, then normally a power cycle reset will fix the problem. But if it doesn't, then a user might try a a factory reset as a last resort. The problem with doing this is that the entire system will need to be reprogrammed. This can be super inconvenient for the end user if they already have the system to their linking. However, factory resetting an L7000 will fix almost any non-physical issue with the panel.
Hey, there. This is Jarrett with Alarm Grid, here. Today, are going discussing how you're going to factory reset your Honeywell L7000 system. Now-- as a brief description-- basically, the way you would factory reset the L7000 is by loading the default configurations within the installer tools. Once you have loaded the default Configuration for the L7000, it is defaulting the panel settings.
So, once you have done that, then you will need to reprogram the system completely from scratch. So, when you are loading the default configurations for the system, then you're going to see four different options you can choose from. The four different default configurations, they're going to have-- or load-- the same settings onto the system. But there are to be minor differences between the four of them.
Now, I'm not going to jump into detail about that during this video. So if you do want to figure out-- or you want to know the differences between the four default configurations-- you can find that on page 27 of the alpha 200 L7000 programming guide. Now, you cannot change the values of the different default configurations for the system. So, when you do load a default configuration, it's going to load those settings that it is programmed to do to the L7000.
Now, specifically-- the default config 1-- that is associated with defaulting the panel settings of the L7000. So, for this video, begin we're actually going to be choosing default config 1. Now, when you do load a default configuration for the L701 you will need to reprogram the system completely from scratch, as I did say prior.
So, when you do load a default configuration, it's going to reset all of your zones that you have programmed. So you will need to reprogram your sensors back into the different zones. And we'll also reset the panel settings-- the system settings-- that you have programmed given your user codes.
It is going to reset your master code, as well, to the default, which is 1, 2, 3, 4. And it is going to reset the installer code to its default as well, which is 4, 1, 1, 2. So if you were a user and you were looking to factory reset your L7000, normally there's a couple of reasons as to why you would do so.
So, one of the main reasons why you would do that is, if you were a homeowner and you were moving into a new home. And you knew that the sensors and the zone that you do already have programed into the system, is not going to match up to how they're going to be set up in the new home. So, instead of getting into the new home-- and trying to jump to the zones, and trying to reprogram the centers, and figuring out what center goes that what zone-- you can just factory reset the L7000. And just reprogram the sensors from there, right?
Plus, if you by any chance-- maybe, forgot the master code or whatnot-- that will reset the code, as well. Another reason is if you were moving out of the home and you were leaving the L7000 behind. And you didn't want the new homeowners knowing the code that you had programmed. If you thought they might want to change up the zones or whatnot, you can reset the L7000, as well-- so that they can do what they want with the system-- and everything will be defaulted.
Another reason is if maybe you were giving your L7000 away to, like, a family member or friend. And you also didn't want them knowing your zones, you didn't want them knowing your codes, or the settings that you had set. You can default the system so that you can basically, just give them, basically, almost a brand new L7000.
So if you were a user and you did want to, factory reset your L7000, you'll follow these simple steps. So, on the home screen you're going to press Security. And then you're going to tap More in the bottom right. And on the top right, you're going to press Tools.
And in this window, you're going to type in the installer code. The default installer code, as I said, is 4, 1, 1, 2. And then you're going to hit Program and now, you're going to hit the down arrow until you see Default Config.
So, you're going to tap Default Config. And, as I mentioned before, you're going to see the four different default configurations you can choose from. So-- for this video-- we are going to be choosing default config 1 but I'm not actually going to be defaulting the system due to other videos that will need to be made.
So-- Default Config 1-- you're just going to tap on it. And if you want to default the system, you're going to press Yes. So, once you have press yes, then the system will beep at you three times to confirm that the system has successfully been defaulted.
Once you have confirmed that it has been three times, you can basically just hit the Back arrow. It'll take you all the way back to the Home screen. So you hit the Back arrow. And when you're hitting the back arrow, you're normally going to get this window. Allow installer to re-enter programming.
Now, you're always going to press Yes on this u or on this window. If you ever press no, then you will be locked out of programming. So, next time you try to jump in programming, you're not going to be able to and you're going to have to go through these different steps to try to backdoor the system. So to avoid that, you press Yes.
And then-- once you have done that-- you can basically just hit the green house button to go all the way back to the Home screen. And that is how you factory reset your Honeywell L7000 system. If you have any questions about the Honeywell or L7000-- or alarm systems general-- please contact us at support@alarmgrid.com or go to our website, alarmgrid.com.
If you found this really helpful, please like and subscribe. And if you want notifications on future videos, please click the bell icon. This is Jarrett with Alarm Grid, you have yourself a great day.
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