Getting Power to the Lyric Security System
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Getting Power to the Lyric Security System
Hey, DIY-ers. Jarrett with AlarmGrid here. Today, we're going to discussing how you would give power to the Honeywell Lyric System. Now, the Honeywell Lyric is able to be powered up by its own custom wire if you wanted to, but normally, we actually do recommend that you use what's called the Honeywell LTE cable. We do sell that cable separately on our site. When you were to purchase the Lyric, it doesn't actually come with the LTE cable. So sometimes you would need to purchase it separately, but we do also actually have kits that come with the cable as well. Some of you may already be familiar with it, some of you may not, so this video is basically just demonstrating on basically how to wire the system with the LTE cable and what the LTE cable is. So as you can see, we have the LTE cable right here. At the one end of it, we do have the connectors for the transformer. So we do have, as you can see, we have the positive connector which is red, and then we have black which is a negative connector. And as you can see at the end of it, we do have the little spade lugs in order to wire these to the transformers, I mean to the terminal screw screws on this transformer. And then you see on the other end of it, we have a barrel plug connector. Now if you were using a custom wire to power up your Honeywell Lyric System, instead of using the LTE cable, there is some custom wire that you can use but there is a specific specification limit to how far you can run that cable from the transformer to the Honeywell Lyric. So if you were using 22-gauge cable, the furthest you can have the wire run from transformer to the Honeywell Lyric is about 8 feet long. If you're using 22-gauge cable, same thing applies, but you can actually go about 13 feet with that cable or that wire. Now lastly, if you're using 18-gauge cable, the furthest you can have that power run from the transformer to the Lyric is 20 feet. Now, that is the furthest wire run that we recommend you go for the Honeywell Lyric. If you do go over the specifications, you could give yourself some issues with the Honeywell Lyric especially with power because the system would not be receiving enough power. So somebody can-- the conditions or the issues you would have is a frequent low battery trouble that you would probably have. You could have some trouble conditions or low battery trouble conditions coming up as well. Plus, even a low battery restore condition too. So to avoid all of that, we do recommend that you stay within those limitations on the specifications for the cable of a custom wire. Now, the Honeywell Lyric does not come with a built-in barrel plug like the previous Honeywell Lynx Touch panels do. So Honeywell did come out with basically another edition to the LTE cable to substitute for that barrel plug not being built into the system, and that is this little device right here. This little device, it basically allows us, the Honeywell Lyric to use a barrel plug. As you could see, we have the little wiring end right here which is the red for positive, and then we have black for negative. You're not going to have the little spare or the spade lugs as the other end of the LTE cable does because this has actually been-- can be wired to the back of the Lyric panel. And I will demonstrate how to wire the cable to the transformer and the Honeywell Lyric very shortly. But this is going to be wired, run to the back of the Lyric. And then as you see on the other side, we have the barrel plug connector. So this would allow you to have the Lyric connect via barrel plug. So now, the transformer that actually comes with the Honeywell Lyric, it's going to look like this. So basically, when you actually do receive it, there's going to be a little neoprene booth that's going to be at the bottom of this right here, covering these little terminal screws. In order to use the LTE cable, you actually would need to take off the booth. Unfortunately, we did not have the booth, so for this video, we're not going to be able to show it. But when you do receive a brand new Lyric, you will have that on there and you are going to have to take it off in order to wire the LTE cable to the terminal screws. So as you can see at the bottom of this though, we have the negative which is right here, and then we have the positive. So when you're wiring the LTE cable to the transformer, as I already explained, we have the positive and then we have the negative. So positive is going to be wired to this side, positive's going to be wired over to this side, and the negative is going to be on this side. So I'll show you quick demonstration of how to wire that to the transformer real quick. We do have the negative right here, and as you can see, you have the terminal screw right here. So what you want to do is just put the spare lug or the spade lug underneath that terminal screw. You're just going to screw it in, and then you have the positive which is just going to go into the positive side. Again, you're going to slip it underneath that screw, just hold it in place, and you're going to just screw that in real quick. And as you can see, you are already set to go with the transformer. Tugged it down a little bit. It's nice and secure. Wouldn't really suggest tugging on it too much, but just to show you that it is nice and secure, I am tugging on it. Now, if you were wiring this device or this little piece to the back of the Lyric system, we do have the Honeywell Lyric right here. It's normally on the back plate over here on this corner but I took it off for the demonstration purposes. So if you look at the back of the Honeywell Lyric, you'll see these little terminals right here. So as you can see you have GND which is ground, and then you have +9 VDC which is for the positive. So as I did explain, that we have the red cable which is the positive and then we have the black cable which is negative. So what you would do is you would take the red which is a positive, you would wire it to the 9 VDC which is right here, and then you would take the black cable which is the negative and you would wire it to the ground which is GND, if you are trying to power up the Lyric in general. As you can see, you have the battery backup right here. So any time you are powering up the Lyric, you want to plug-in the battery backup first. So as you see, we have the little connector right here, and if you look right next to the battery backup, you have the connection right down here. So what you do is just you take the connector, you'd put it right there, you'd wire it down into that little corner, and just pop it in. Once you do that, then you can proceed with moving ahead and powering up the Honeywell Lyric system. Now, if you were wall-mounting the Honeywell Lyric System, there is a way to specifically mount the Lyric so that you can have the Lyric completely flushed with the wall. So you don't have it bowing out or anything like that, you don't have any issues trying to install it. Now, to show you real quick, we have the back plate on our little display wall right here. This is the back plate you would use when you're wall-mounting the Lyric. So as you can see right in the middle, you have basically a cut-out to give you enough room to create a hole so you can pass the LTE cable in the wall and try to fish it through. So to make sure it's completely flush, you would want to definitely have the LTE cable going through this hole. And then once you've done that, obviously, you would plug-in the Honeywell Lyric to the barrel plug connector, and you would just pop it on. So as you can see, it is flushed right now. I don't have the connector plugged in, but even if it was, it would still be completely flushed with the wall. So when you're wall-mounting it, just keep that in mind. Now, if you were using a desk mount for the Honeywell Lyric, it doesn't matter where you're plugging it in or where the cable is running. As long as you have it plugged in into an outlet, you're good to go. So as you can see, we have the LTE cable right here. This is the other end that you would wire to the back of the Lyric so you can have that barrel plug connection. So right here, we have the black which is negative, and then we have the red which is positive. So as I did mention earlier, we have right here in the back the Lyric, we have the GND which is ground, and then we have the 9 plus volt-- 9 plus-- or +9 VDC which is basically a 9-volt DC. So what you want to do is you're going to take this positive and then wire it to the +9 VDC. And then on the top, there's going to be a little screw which you're going to want to screw in right here until it is nice and snug. And then we're going to take the negative and wire it to the GND. Now as you can see, there is a GND or ground on this side. You're not going to wire it over here. You're going to put the negative on this side right next to the +9 VDC. And as you can see, it is nice and snug. And now, all you have to do is just plug-in the LTE cable on the other end. Now, lastly, the last part that I want to just throw in there is for the transformer for the Honeywell Lyric. When you are plugging into an outlet, you want to make sure that you're plugging into an outlet that is not controlled by a switch. You know, if you were to turn off the switch, the whole outlet shuts off and then you're going to turn off power to the Lyric and there's going to be running on the battery backup. You want to plug it into an outlet that is not controlled by a switch so you don't have that issue at all. So as you can already see, as I did explain before, when you are mounting the Honeywell Lyric to the wall, you're going to want to run the cable through the back plate, so I've already wired the or I have already fished the cable through the wall. Now, to show you basically just to plug in the Lyric and powering it up and how simple it is. So what you want to do is you have the one end of the barrel plug right here and then you have the other and in the back of the Lyric. So what you're going to do is just basically plug that in, we're going to wire it back up or just mount it on the back plate and you are good to go. So that is how you would run power to the Honeywell Lyric system. If you have any questions about the Honeywell Lyric or alarm systems in general, please contact us as, or go to our website, If you found this video helpful, please like and subscribe. If you want notifications on future videos, please click the bell icon. This is Jarrett with AlarmGrid. Have yourself a great day.
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