Honeywell 6160V: Installation, Replacing Old Alphanumeric Keypad


Honeywell 6160V: Honeywell VISTA 21iP: Honeywell VISTA-GSM4G: ...


So we are now at our key pad. We've removed the face. This is our old destiny apex keypad. It had our built in speaker, so the doors and windows opened up it would tell you what zone went off. It's why we have six connections here instead of the typical four keypad connections. And what we're going to do is remove this back plate, take a look at the whole size here to make sure that our 6160v programming key pad with voice that we're going to use to replace this existing key pad is going to have a good spot to install. So we're just removing these screws. Most key pads, especially with the Honeywell you're going to have a back plate that can be removed from the front like this one and you use the back plate to mount it to the wall with the screws and the wall anchors, and you simply fix the front part of the key pad to the back plate. That's how you mount in your key pads. Once we've got all these screws removed, we can take a look at how the original hole was cut out for the original wiring so we can plan the installation of our new key pad. Alright, key pad comes down. Alright, and what we're going to do, so we've got an actually very small hole here which is good. We've got our new 6160V which almost has a perfectly matching hole and it's actually going to fit in real nice it's going to cover up all of our old existing area and you're going to be able to have your flip-down door, all of your key pads, so should be a nice, clean installation, luckily. On the 6160V, at the bottom, you've got these two tabs so use a flat head screw driver, push the tabs down and remove the back plate, hinges at the top, and we've got our front keypad and our back plate. So we want to align this in such a way that it's going to hide as best we can here. The key pad comes with some screws and some wall anchors in a baggie, so we'll set that aside for now and we're going to try to mount this and mark our holes. You always want your system to look nice so we'll make sure we keep this nice and level and we also want to make sure we're going to hide all of these remnants of the old key pad. So we're marking our three holes at the top and we're just going to use one of the holes on the bottom. I'm not sure if that took, let's see if we can line that up again. There we go, so we've got our three marks and our one. We might actually just go ahead and do two screws here. And now that I look at this, we certainly don't want have an issue drilling and hitting the bottom of this dry wall. We also have to worry about the top here. So I'm going to just go just a notch above each of those holes. We've got our drill here ready to go for our holes. Like I said I'm just worried about drilling here and hitting the bottom edge here so we're going to try to go just a touch above there, making sure the hole is big enough for the wall anchor. And then this hole here, we want to go a touch above to make sure it will line up. An assistant would be so kind as to grab the hammer and we can hammer in our wall anchors. So again it comes with four, three should be plenty to get this key pad in here. I've got my hammer and my screws and wall anchors. Open up the baggie here. So we're going to do two at the top and one at the bottom. Press them in. This is where we want to be careful not to damage the dry wall. This is an awkward hammer. Get that nice and flush. And we were successful in not damaging the dry wall there. Grab our third wall anchor and push it in our bottom hole. Hammer it in. Okay, we've got them there. We'll use our wire strippers, which has a nice wire cut and we're going to snip all of these wires now, because we're ready to mount the back plate and we've got to get this out of here. Thank you. We're going to cut these wires. Old keypad is gone and if you remember from our control panel video, of these six wires we ended up only using blue, and again these wires were from our old destiny key pad so these two purple, green, black, red, and white colors don't really matter, it matters about these colors which are the ones that were landed back at the panel. So we used blue and green for positive and negative power, so these two we want to keep. We used green and white and our yellow for our data, in and out. So those are the four we want, we're actually going to snip these other two off, because we don't need them. And I'm going to snip over here. And we know that they're not connected to anything on the other end, so we're okay to just leave them. Obviously, you never want to leave bare wire but when we know exactly where these are running to its okay. We want to strip these four wires here. We'll go ahead and use this, since that's there from the old key pad. So we just want to strip a little bit of the end off. We've got two stripped. We've got three and four. So we've got our four wires ready to go. We've got our three screws and our back plate. We're going to feed our wires through the hole in the back plate. Obviously, if you put it up without doing that, that would be a mistake. And we align with our wall anchors. We've got our two at the top and we've got our one at the bottom. Should give us plenty of connection so the key pad is nice and secure. You don't want to screw one down too much until you get the other ones in and that's what we did. And go ahead and screw it down now. I'm having a hard time as a righty from this angle but I'm doing my best here. And finally, screw our bottom screw down nice and tight. And this keypad is not going anywhere. So we're going to connect all of these now. So this one again, this purple is connected to the green and white, which is going to the green data terminal on the panel so we want to just screw this down, making sure it's a nice tight connection. We've got our negative blue connected to red here, goes to our negative terminal. We've got our green coming from our aux power, going to our positive. And then our final connection is our yellow... No, I mean white connected to yellow, going to yellow. Just give a gentle tug on each wire, then we're all good. Fish this wire back up into the hole in the wall so that we can close our key pad. And I've got that upside down, so we're going to hinge it at the top, so we've got these little tabs that hinge down and it snaps shut at the bottom. And our key pad is installed. Our panel is not powered up, so you won't see anything on the key pad, but it is ready to be addressed and powered on. We're going to go do that and we'll be back here to deal with the key pad to initialize the system and get it going for the programming. Now we're going to show at a front door, installation of a Tuxedo Touch Wi-Fi. Now that we've installed our 6160V voice annunciation keypad. It's nice that this is here right in front of the garage door. When they come home, they open the door, the system will speak, if they're here they'll be able to view faults, hear what zones are open, all of that right before they leave. So we're good here, moving on to our next key pad.
