Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS: Compatibility
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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hey DIYers, George here from AlarmGrid grid. Today, we're going to be going over whether or not the Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS works with So the quick answer to that is no. There are no communicators built into this Honeywell Home PROA7PLUS security system. In order for a system to work with, it has to have an communicator which probably means you're going to be using a cellular communication path as that is pretty much the minimum requirement for an system, but it also needs to be an compatible device. This system, it doesn't work with, it works with a very similar feature called Total Connect 2.0 which we also have a video on that. But real fast for those of you who do have Honeywell systems out there specifically a wired Honeywell vista 15p, actually let me start off the vista 10p, vista 15p, vista 20p or the 21iP these vista panels since makes an communicator for them, they're called the system enhancement modules SEM. And they come in either Verizon or AT&T dual path. If you add one of those to your vista security system, that is the only way you can essentially get a service on a Honeywell system is if you have a vista 10p, 15p, 20p or 21iP with the SEM. Now, what is It's very similar to Total Connect for those of you who have it. is basically a web based platform-- or cloud based platform that allows you to access your alarm system remotely using a computer, your phone, a tablet as long as your alarm system is being monitored, and it has an communicator you can use the app or website to arm and disarm, get email text message alerts whenever alarms go off, you can control Z-Wave devices lights, locks, thermostats, garage door controllers, light modules plugin modules, outlets, blinds, Z-Wave water valves. If you guys are using, you can also view cameras. They also offer a stream video recorder which allows certain cameras to record 24/7. And then depending on the system, you can even live view the cameras from the touch screen system as well. These are that feature is going to be for certain systems only not every system that does does the live camera footage on the panel itself. For this system. However, like I said, you won't be using, you'll be using Total Connect which also offers the same functionality, the same features, it's kind of like say Apple users and Android users. They're both different platforms operating systems but they both essentially do the same thing. You can browse social media, you can make calls, make text messages, go on the website or surf the internet, it's just different platforms. Right so Honeywell systems use Total Connect 2.0 unless you have a vista with an communicator, and then there's other systems that have communicators specifically made for them two gig, DSC, Qolsys, Interlogix Simon XT panels there's a bunch of systems out there that makes communicators for. So if you guys are interested in, and you want to find out how to make your system compatible with it as long as it's not a PROA7PLUS, we might be able to help you. So make sure if you have questions, send an email to If you find the video helpful, make sure you guys hit Like underneath, subscribe to the YouTube channel, and hit the little bell icon so whenever we upload new content, you guys get notified. I'm George and I'll see you guys next time.
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