Honeywell IP Challenge Days
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Honeywell shows off it's new product lines by having all its dealers come out to ADI branches to participate in a barbecue.
The honeywell IP challenge days are key for us as we roll out a new product called MAXPRO NVR XE in our IP performance cameras. This solution is truly easy to use, so in order to show that, we’re inviting our local dealers into local ADI branches to come in, join us for a barbecue and see how easy it is to set this up.
My technicians love a little bit of down time at lunch time. We always give them permission to come to ADI to come to do events, do training. So it’s nice to see them at a little fun environment at lunch.
It’s fun event, you come out have a good time, you get to see people that you don’t get to see day-to-day. Everybody’s always out running jobs, we’re running in the same types of circles.
We partnered with ADI, they say listen guys, we really want to reach out to our base, we’re seeing changes and trends in the market can you help us do something along these lines? That’s where we come to the table. For years and years and years, thirty, forty years plus we’ve been doing analog video with coax cables. Now suddenly IP videos make their debut and everybody’s standing with their hands in their pockets, trying to figure out their next move. Now we have something that we can go back to them and say, listen, we have something that can get you to the next level and you don’t have to be a genius to make this fly.
now MAXPRO NVR XE truly is an NVR. A network video recorder. Along with it, we have new performance IP cameras. So we are seeing a shift in the industry from analog to IP. Along with that comes a little bit of fear from our dealers with IP. Maybe it’s hard to setup it’s too complicated, I don’t know the IP address, I’m not really sure how to do it. So we’ve really simplified with that with our NVR cameras. We’ve touted it as three clicks to live videos. And it’s true, dealers that come in for the NVR challenge will be able to set it up in three clicks.
Typically when you start talking about IP video, you take it out, put it on the table, well I gotta configure the camera, now I’ve gotta get it on the network, well is it the camera that’s on the network or is it the recorder that’s not on the network. Is the network even running? Who do I call to fix the network? See what I’m saying? It’s just a compilation of problems they have. XE solves every bit of that. You take it out of the box, you put it on the table, you connect the cameras to the network switch, the box reaches out, finds the camera,s pulls them in, assigns them, and then you’ve got video.
For our dealers who currently aren’t in the IP market, it offers them a solution to introduce them to the IP video without having to know a lot about networking, which is great because they get the benefits of the high resolution cameras that the IP provides without the difficulty of setting up the network because basically the DVR will do that for them.
If you read all the literature everybody’s going IP, and I do believe there are a lot of IP systems going in. I don’t feel like I’m losign any business, but there’s a whole branch of business that we’d like to tap into and I think this product is something we can use to do that.
We're looking at an easier install, lower install costs, getting the installs done quicker more efficiently, and also you have the expandability of those system. You get a higher resolution on the cameras when they are running on IP. Analog has its capabilities and we’re abotu maxed out on those capabilities now. So we want to push in that direction, we want to push toward the IP direction for camera systems, for NVRs and that type fo system.
We spend a lot of time fine tuning head-end equipment, setting up head-end equipment, and this product really went in quickly. Like I say, setup in three easy steps, so it seems like it has a lot of potential to save me money on installation time, which is important.
It’s great to inform our customers of the new products, and what’s new and available so they can have a chance and opportunity to sell more product. If they sell more product they get to buy more product and that’s what we want to be able to do, is to provide that. Today’s event itself was very well attended. It was just a steady flow of people all day long, and I thin that gave us a lot of opportunity to talk and discuss with every customer that came through.
Honeywell is very innovative, Honeywell always keeps you informed of new products that are coming out and they work with you on different types of designs and their service department is just excellent.
So we feel really good about putting out a product like this because it does make people, places, companies, businesses more safe and secure.
Every time we throw a party with ADI the customers come, we can always count on them to deliver, bottom line.
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