Honeywell Vindicator Technologies at ISC West 2012
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Check out Honeywell's new Vindicator technologies which were presented at this years ISC West.
Hi, I'm Angie Overman; I'm here to talk to you today about the Honeywell Vindicator Security Solution. It's an integrated intrusion detection, access control, and CCTV video monitoring system.
We monitor all intrusion access and video events that come into a system using our proprietary devices of hardware and software. It shows the operator events as they're coming in, and also shows them alarm information, on each alarm as it comes in.
It allows you to investigate, tag it, and have procedures that you follow for each alarm event before you close it out. You can also go over them and look at the history of each alarm point, as it comes in, so you have a complete awareness of what's been happening in the system, both prior to your sitting down and currently.
We also have access control monitoring features, which allow you to see whose come in and out of the facility. You can lock and unlock doors. You can go in and see who's here and see information about the person who's in an area. Move them from a location. Look at their credentials, their escorts, visitors attached to them, and things like that.
The most important thing about the Vindicator System is that our software is embedded on a circuit board, which makes it pretty impervious to hacking, viruses, and worms. They have about 11 years meantime between failures; very ruggedized, very fast communication of alarms. You can get about five alarms in two seconds.
A lot of our systems are deployed for the government and the military, where they must have that system up-time and that quick communication of alarms, but we also have a next generation called our Standard Edition, which takes that proven technology, and puts it into more of the critical infrastructure field, at a better price point, and a scaled down solution.
So anything you need from high high-end security, down to a small scale site, whether it be an individual building, to a hundred square meter facility we can do that type of solution for you and scale it to meet your needs.
For more information on the Honeywell Vindicator Solution, please go to our website at and we'll be happy to give you any information that you need.
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