How Do I Setup Multi-System Account Access in
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In this video, Joe shows how you can set up your account to gain access to multiple security panels. This is perfect for users with multiple locations that require protection. For example, you can check the system for your home and the system for your business from one convenient location.
The way that this feature works is that it actually involves linking multiple accounts together and joining them under one login. Remember, each security system needs its own account. The user must pay for service for each security system that they operate. But if they want to join their accounts together so that they can be accessed from one login.
An interesting aspect of this feature is that the accounts cannot be linked using the Mobile App. Instead, you must use the website version of to perform the account sync. You should use the account that you want to serve as the login information for the other accounts. This will be the account you use to access all the other systems.
Within the main menu option, you should see an option for linking a system. You will need to provide the login name and password for the account associated with the system that you would like to link. should then announce that the system has been linked successfully. After doing this, a drop-down option will appear in the main menu for switching between systems.
The account linking feature does not discriminate between panels of different manufacturers. For example, you could have systems from 2GIG, Qolsys and Interlogix all linked and joined on the same account. They just need to be active with the service. Remember, each system will need to have service with a monitoring company for the setup to work.
Hi. This is Joe from Alarm Grid, and today we're going to show you how to do multi-panel system linking on Now this is a really cool feature with, and you may find some flexibility with it. What this feature allows you to do is link multiple accounts into one, so that you can access them all from one single login. What's convenient about this is that as you may know, can manage multiple different types of systems from multiple different types of manufacturers. And this will actually allow you to access them all from one single place or one single login. For example, let's say you have an IQ2 installed at one location. You have a GC3 installed at another location. And you have assignment panel installed in another location. You can access them all from one login by linking all the accounts with this method. If you do use this method and you find that you don't want to use it anymore, or you have to break it out for whatever reason, it's super easy to do. You just have to disable the linking. It doesn't delete any account, and they'll all go back to having their own login. The first thing you want to do though, is log into with the login that you want to use for this. Keep in mind that when you do log in and you perform the panel linking action, that's going to be the main login to access any of these other accounts. So let's head over to our iPad and check out how to actually do this. As you can see, we are logged in on a web browser on the iPad. You don't actually have this function through the regular phone app. So if you do want to perform this, you will need to go onto a computer or you will have to pull up the web browser and log in through there. What you're going to want to do is, you're going to click the hamburger button in the upper left-hand corner. Then you're going to click on Settings, and then you're going to click on Log In Information. Now that you'll see on the bottom here, it says Link a System. This is going to look slightly different on a computer, but it's going to be the exact same options. So if I click on Link a System, that's going to ask us questions. If you're interested in adding another one over here, you're going to want to click Plus Add button. And then you just simply have to enter the login name and login password for the other system. So after we enter the username and password, I'm going to click on Next. We got a check. Then it says please confirm that we'd like to link the following systems. And as you can see, I did select the account that does have this Simon XTi activated on it. I'm going to click on Confirm, and it says systems were successfully added. So as you can see on the bottom, we have our original account-- the Rutherford's home, which is Charles-- and we also have the Simon XTi listed. So now if we go back again to our main menu, you'll see that when we click on the hamburger button, there's a drop down menu right here. I can click this, and I can simply jump right to the Simon XTi, which logs us into our other panel. If want to go back to the original panel, I just click on the hamburger, click on the drop down, do Rutherford's home, and it instantly switches back to the other panel. You can link multiple panels using this. So if you do have a lot of different locations, as you can see, it's a really convenient feature. And again, being able to manage different manufacturer's panels from one singular location is super, super convenient. And it makes your life way easier than having a whole bunch of different logins. If you do have any questions about the panel linking feature, about how to activate systems on, or what even can do, feel free to head over to our website, Send us an email to, or give us a call at 888-818-7728. If you did enjoy the video, feel free to subscribe. And if you want to be notified we post future videos, hit the notification button below, and we'll send you an update when we do so. We hope you have a great day and take care.
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