How to enroll a Z-WAVE device onto your Honeywell LYNXTOUCH 5100
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This video was made by Honeywell and proudly distributed by Alarm Grid Security monitoring and accessories Alarm Grid is a home security company focused on the experience of the customer. We offer no contract alarm monitoring that allows you more choices without sacrificing the quality of your monitoring. We are here to help you protect your life's most important assets without the hassle of being caught in a contract with no way out.
If your installer has setup the home automation features in your system, follow these simple steps to enroll a light. It's possible that a Z-Wave device may be enrolled with another control system. If you want this device controlled by the LYNX Touch 5100, you will have to exclude it first.
To exclude a device, in this case the light switch, do the following. From the home screen select the automation icon. Select the tools tab, select the exclude devices tab. You will then be prompted to exclude the device. Within one minute, press the designated button on the switch you want to exclude.
You will get a confirmation screen displaying the excluded device or it may display unknown device excluded. Select the back icon until you reach the home screen. From the home screen select the automation icon. Select the tools tab. To enroll a light switch, select the include devices tab. You will then be prompted to include the device. Within one minute, press the
designated button on the switch you wish to include.
If enrollment was successful it will display, device found please wait. Once that is complete you will see the devices information added to the top of the list. Select the back icon, until you reach the home screen. Giving your Z-Wave devices a custom name will make them easier to locate on the device list.
To do this, select the automation icon. Select the switches tab; select the switch that you enrolled. Select the edit icon. Select the clear tab. Then type in the name of the device. You have fourteen characters available for the name. On this example, we will name this hall light. Select the done icon. Select the back icon until you reach the home screen.
It's possible that your Z-Wave thermostat may be enrolled with another control system. If you want this device controlled by the LYNX Touch 5100 you will have to exclude it first. To exclude the thermostat do the following. From the home screen select the automation icon. Select the tools tab, select the exclude devices tab. You will then be prompted to exclude the device. Within one minute on your thermostat, press the system tab.
Select and hold the middle tab on the bottom row, until the menu changes. Select the first down arrow, until you see RF-10. Select the second up arrow to exclude the device. On the LYNX Touch 5100 you will get a confirmation screen displaying the excluded device, or it may display unknown device excluded.
Select the back icon until you reach the home screen. To enroll the thermostat, do the following. From the home screen select the automation icon. Select the tools tab. Select the include devices tab. You will be prompted to include the device. Within one minute on your thermostat, press the system tab.
Select and hold middle tab on the bottom row, until the menu changes. Select the first down arrow, until you see RF-10. Select the second up arrow to include the device. If enrollment was successful with will display device found, please wait.
Once that's complete you will see the devices information added to the top of the list. Select the back icon until you reach the home screen. We will now name the thermostat. To do this, select the automation icon. Select thermostats. Select the thermostat that you enrolled, select edit. Select clear, then type in the name of the device. In this example we've named it main t-stat, select done. Select the back icon, until you reach the home screen.
It's possible that your Z-Wave lock may be enrolled with another control system. If you want this device controlled by the LYNX Touch 5100, you will have to exclude it first. The lock in this example is a Yale Z-Wave lock. To exclude the lock do the following. From the home screen select the automation icon. Select the tools tab, select the exclude devices tab. You will then be prompted to exclude the device.
Within one minute on your lock, enter your master code for the lock. Then select the pound key. Select seven. You will be prompted to select the pound key to enroll. Then select the pound key to confirm. On the Links Touch 5100 you will get a confirmation screen displaying the excluded device, or it may display unknown device excluded.
Select the back icon until you reach the home screen. To enroll the lock, do the following. From the home screen select automation, select tools. Select include devices. You will be prompted to include the device. Within one minute on your lock, enter your master code for your lock followed by the pound key. Select pound, then seven. You will be prompted to select the pound key to enroll. Then select the pound key to confirm.
If enrollment was successful the LYNX Touch 5100 will display device found, please wait. You should see the devices information added to the top of the list. Select the back icon until you reach the home screen. Now let's name the lock. To do this, select the automation icon. Select locks. Select the lock that you enrolled. Select the edit tab. Select clear. Then type in the name of the device. In this example, we will name it front door, select done. Select the back icon until you reach the home screen.
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