IQ Panel 4: Adding Z Wave Compatibility
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Here Dylan discusses the Z-Wave capability of the Qolsys IQ Panel 4. Unlike previous panels, you don't have to add Z-Wave ...
[AUDIO LOGO] Hey, DIYers, Dylan here with Alarm Grid. Today, we're going to go over how do I add z-wave capabilities to my IQ4? Essentially, you don't because the IQ4 already has this feature enabled. It's already built into the system. So there's nothing you really need to add to the system to let it then start working with z-wave devices. The types of z-wave devices this is going to work with are automation only, so lights, locks, thermostats, anything of that sort. No security sensors. So if you have a z-wave smoke detector, or z-wave door sensor, or anything like that, it's not going to work with this, only automation. And when you also have automation devices paired to the system, you can set up smart scenes. So for example, if I arm my system, I want my thermostat to go up. I want my lock to lock. I want my lights turn off. It's all cool features that you can get with z-wave and when you have those paired with the system itself. I'm going to show you a few things. I'm going to demonstrate some z-wave items that we already have paired to the system and just review a little bit more information about that. OK, so as I mentioned, the z-- OK, so as I mentioned, the IQ4 already has a z-wave option built in. So this has a z-wave plus 700 card, which also does work with the z-wave plus 800 series devices. So the devices that this is going to work with, no security devices for z-wave, only automation. So that's going to be stuff like lights, locks. This is not technically z-wave, but we'll go over this in just a second. So when you have z-wave devices paired to the system, if you scroll over, you can access them from the main screen. So for example, we have a z-wave relay hooked up to activate our strobe right here. And then this lock as well, so if you have a z-wave lock, it's going to function the same. And that gives you a nice automation control from the system itself. Now, if you're using a non z-wave plus device, it's still going to work. It's just not going to have the features of z-wave plus. And those features of z-wave plus are going to be better battery life and more processing power. So essentially, you're going to have a better range. Z-wave can connect on mesh networks, which is pretty nice. So if you have more z-wave devices, you're going to have better z-wave signal connection. Again, no security devices, so no doors, no smoke detectors, nothing like that. The automation devices that this is going to work with are devices such as lights, locks, outlets, switches, thermostats, anything like that. Now, the lock here-- as I mentioned, this is not z-wave. This is Power G. So if your closest panel, one even works with power, which if you don't have the hub, all the Qolsys IQ4s work with Power G. You just have to be on firmware 4.40 or higher. And then some Power G devices that are available, similar to z-wave, locks, outlets, switches, dimmers, more automation devices like that. Again, no-- there are Power G security sensors, but they don't learn in the same way that this learns in. And they're not really accessible from the main screen as if they were automation devices. Also, when you have z-wave hooked up with the panel, you can set up smart scenes, which will activate these automatically. So if you arm your system, we can set it to lock the lock, turn on a light, turn off a light, raise the temperature of a thermostat, or anything like that. So z-wave is a really cool feature if you want to have an integrated smart home, essentially, all working from your IQ4 panel here. OK, so that is the z-wave features of the IQ4 panel. Again, really cool. It's a 700 series, but it can work with 800 series devices. A little bit better processing power and battery life for those, so pretty cool. If you want to have a fully automated home, really cool as well because you can set up those smart scenes, like I mentioned. Or you can just access them directly from the panel itself if you want to control them manually. If you did like the video, please like the video. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell icon to be notified about any future videos we release. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Our phone number is 888-818-7728. Our email address is And if you come to our website,, we have a live chat option on there as well. So feel free to use any of those to contact us and we'll be happy to assist you. Again, my name is Dylan from Alarm Grid and thank you for watching.
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