Lyric Security System: Installer Code P2
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In our previous video we discussed the features allowed to the end user of the Honeywell Lyric Security System by using the master code in the tools menu of the control panel. In this video we will show you the advanced features available using the installer code from the tools menu.
If you would like to view the first part of this series you can look for our part 1 video entitled Lyric Security System: Master Code P1.
Using the installer code is generally used during initial install and set of of your system. For day to day activities you will need to use the master code, which is designated to a specific user.
When using the installer code from the tools menu log in, you will have different options available. This video will discuss these options in detail. Follow along with the video to learn about these features and functions.
The main menu will have three options: Testing, Event Log, and Programming. Testing consists of deep level trouble shooting and testing that should be done during the initial set up as well as when a problem arises with communication or is a sensor fails.
The event log is the same as with the master code, but is also placed here in the event that the installer needs access. This way the installer doesn’t have to exit out and use a different code to view the event log.
When you access the programming sub menu, the true nature of the installer code is shown. Here there are many different deep level menus that will allow for complete control of the system.
You can change your installer code from this screen. Unlike the master code, the installer code is the only code that can be changed from this menu. You should also note that you cannot change the installer code from the master code menu.
The most used feature will be the zones menu. From this menu you will be able to view and edit your zones. This is the menu option that will be used to enroll sensors and devices into the system as well as defining the zone parameters.
The communications sub menu can be used for diagnostic purposes with the wireless network and other communications the control panel is using. The video will cover all of these options in greater detail.
One feature is the ability to use the language menu to set up different languages for installer and user menus. This will come in handy if the installer is English but the home owner is Spanish. You can set the system to use Spanish for all functions and features while leaving the installer menu and options in English.
If you want to dive deeper into each of these functions, we have videos that cover each menu in high detail. Feel free to view the other videos and get the most out of your system.
Once you do 4112 after hitting tools, now you're in the installer level programming. It's asking us to connect to the server. Again it is looking to connect to AlarmNet because the system is not yet enabled for monitoring. We're just going to say no. But now we're into the deeper level installer programming. You have some higher level testing that can be done. You'll also see there's certain things that were in that massive level programming within this screen. But assuming an installer would have a lot more reason to do deeper level diagnostics and deeper level testing than what the end user would do.
The end user doesn't need that because the installer's supposed to have all ready been doing that. Of course, you as a do-it-yourselfer, you should have access to both and that can be done here. Same idea, if the installer had to view event logs or export event logs, they have that same functionality.
Some of this stuff is doubled up and live in both levels of programming. It's just all a matter of who's getting into these levels. One you hit program, you're actually into the installer level programming and from here you have system type. So you have RF code, RF jam, you have some options for tweaking the panel, the panel's event log, what's going to be enabled, what's not going to be enabled. You still have your date/time option. You have the ability to change the installer code, so when we showed you the master code stuff and we showed you how you can change your master code, your duress code, your guest code, your sub user codes, you noticed you can't change your installer code through there and again it's because Honeywell wants to keep those two levels of programming separate.
Once you've used the installer code then you can change it. Communicator is for your monitoring parameters. Normally that should be reserved for letting your alarm company set that up for you. Nothing that you as an end user would have to do, even if you're doing it do-it-yourself. Comm diagnostics is some deeper level programming based around the Wi-Fi or cellular communicator. Zones is probably the most popular thing you'll do within the installer level programming here and you can scroll down and see all your zones and change and manipulate your zones.
Keys is for key fobs, so if you're going to program key fobs to the panel. Reporter is again for stuff, for monitoring purposes. This is normally something your monitoring company will set you up on but there's some levels of options within there. System settings is some basic programming of the system, entry delays, the back light time out that we showed you in a different video, and some of the other options that the panel allows you to set up.
Sounder allows you to manipulate the time that the siren will sound for and it can do some other things like arm confirm and we'll have the videos describing all of these features in higher level detail but we just kind of wanted to give you a rough overview of everything that you can do from within the installer level programming.
Z Wave, you can see if Z Wave is enabled. Default configs if you wanted to take it back to a factory default. Reset master code. Language, you can actually select the language of the installer level programming and the user level programming. So if you were a home owner that wanted Spanish for the panel screen but your installer is English, then you could set it up that way, so it's kind of cool. Then finally, RF Keypad is a way to add, not the Wi-Fi tablets but actually the Honeywell wireless keypads that they're going to support as well.
So all of that can be done from the installer level of programming and again, installer level programming is accessed via 4112 code unless you changed it. Master level programming is set via the 1234 master code. So we hope that helps you understand better why there are two levels of programming, why there are two default codes out of the box when you get your Honeywell Lyric.
If you have any questions about any programming on your system or which code to use to access which levels of programming, please let us know we're here to help, and make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you're up to date on all of the great new features of this revolutionary new system.
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