Self-Monitoring an Interlogix Simon XTi or XTi-5
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hi dad liars joy from a long road and today we're going to talk about whether or not you can use the Simon XT the X di or the XT i-5 on self-monitoring now we have an XT right here we have our XT I right here and we have an X ti5 right here that isn't plugged in but it certainly does work the answer is is that you can use all of these three systems on self monitoring plans now self monitoring with an alarm system usually means that the system is monitored it just is not monitored by a central station all of these panels are compatible with an inter logics communicator that allows it to connect to alarm comm after you install it in the system if you contact an alarm comm dealer which we are one they'll be able to walk you through activating your system and get it get it set up for monitoring now the module that you install in the system that is manufactured biologics it isn't module it's a cellular module so the system will communicate up to alarm comm on cellular and with self monitoring what that's going to allow you to do is communicate with your system remotely as you're going to have a remote app that you'll be able to access from a phone a tablet or your desktop it's going to give you full control over the system you'll be able to set up notifications for text and email and many other cool features it's also going to allow your alarm company that is supplying monitoring to you as far as them being an alarm comm dealer they're going to be able to check out your systems programming help out with any diagnostic trouble even do remote programming for you if you have trouble with anything on the system the only thing that self monitoring doesn't have is it's not going to have the Central Station service so that if there is an alarm or if there is an event that requires dispatch you'll have to be the one to call the proper authorities to have them come out to the house now we have found that most customers that do have self monitoring with the text and email alerts they are able to sufficiently respond to a situation but just keep in mind on a self monitoring plan you're not going to have that automatic dispatch and especially if you're installing a system it's required or you really do need that level of security the self monitoring probably isn't gonna suffice for what you're looking to do but for everything else it does work great and on Simon panels it's excellent because especially the XT it's a little cheaper so you may not want to install this in in your main home or in an area that has lots of nice stuff in it if you have a shed or a side house or an area that would call for something a little less expensive installing one of these or one of these in that location putting that alarm comm module in it and then self monitoring it will allow you to watch over and see what's going on at the particular location it won't break the bank because it's not super expensive and it's going to work just fine another nice thing about self monitoring is that if you do have a system that is self monitored there's a good chance that your security provider your monitoring company will or does have Central Station service and if you already are active on a self monitoring plan it's going to make it really easy for them to upgrade you to Central Station service if you ever have that have that requirement we do offer self monitoring plans in addition to full Central Station plans if you have any questions about the simón systems about alarm comm monitoring in general cell self monitoring or full monitoring give us a call eight at eight eight one eight seven seven two eight number gonna Zeta eight eight one eight seven seven two it can also send us an email to support at alarm grid comm head over to our website
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