Using Wired Contacts on a 2GIG GC3

Using Wired Contacts on a 2GIG GC3


hi di Liars Joe here from alarm grid and today we're going to talk about how to add a hardwired contact to your gc3 system there's a few different ways that you can accomplish this one of the ways is on the gc3 itself there's actually room for two hard-wired contacts that you can land right on to the panel you can also use a wired to wireless module such as the 5800 c2w to interface contacts with the system you can also use the take 345 module to interface contacts with the system and you can also use individual sensors that do have a hardwired terminal on them to get hardwired contacts programmed into this system let's take a look at the hardwired zones on the actual gc3 first and then we'll check out the C 2w and using the DW 10 to add a hardwired contact to the gc3 so right here we have the GC 3 and if you look on the back of it we've already removed the backplate right here is the main terminal block for the system now there's a sticker or rather a tag that identifies the different terminals and what they do on either side for today though we're just looking at the GND the zone 2 and the zone 1 right up here that's these three terminals right here on the top now these terminals these are what actually feed the hard-wired contacts into the system so if you have a hardwired contact and we have one right over here it's a small little recessed Honeywell contact the two wires from it if we're going to land it on Zone one one wire is going to connect into the zone one terminal and the other wire is actually going to connect in the ground terminal now if we have another hardwired contact on the system we're going to connect those wires into zone two and the ground so they're both going to share the ground now in programming you do have to set this up if you're going to attach them right to the system itself if we take a look if we click on our 2gig symbol and we enter the installer code ours is the default one five six one and then we go to system configuration it's going to be a menu right there that's designated for the wired zones on the system it makes it really easy to find so if you click that you'll notice that the wired zone one and two show up right here and all your zone programming is right here on the side so after you wire them up to the system you're just gonna have to jump into programming set what the zones are going to do and your descriptors you want to add if the chime noise if you want them to shine and the other the other settings that are on this menu after you're done go ahead and click on a return to system config if you did make any edits it's going to ask you to save it at that point and you'll be able to confirm that so that's one of the ways that you can add hardwired contacts onto the 2gig gc3 system another way is using a wired to wireless convertor module now we recommend the Honeywell 5800 c2w over the take 345 as it gives you nine zones that you can land on it as opposed to the take 345 which only gives you eight we find that you get a little more value out of the unit and it's actually a really popular popular device so this is the Honeywell 5800 c2w if you take the cover off you'll see there's a whole bunch of terminals that are available for zones these are where you can land the nine zones onto the device so if we used our Honeywell contact right here we'd land the wires onto the designated zones the designated zone placement that we want and then the system would be able to pick this up wirelessly it'll work just like any other 5800 or 2gig sensor that's compatible with the system you can set everything else up it's going to read it as that when you program it in and it's not even going to know that it's a hardwired zone it's a great device to use this is super convenient if you're taking over an existing hardwired system as you can mount this right inside of the box for the existing system and land all the wires on to it it's a great device to use but if you do want to use the take 3:45 module instead by all means it's also a great device it's only going to give you support for eight hardwired zones though another thing you can use to get a hardwired contact onto a gc3 is using a wireless sensor that has a hardwired terminal on it that lets you land a hardwired contact onto it and then programs it wirelessly into the GC the 4/8 on the Honeywell side the 5816 sensor is a very common popular sensor that can do this on the 2gig side the DW 10 actually can do this also so right here we have a DW 10 sensor this sensor has a magnetic reed switch inside of it so if a magnet next to the sensor you can mount it on a door window and when it moves away it'll tell the system that it's open inside of the sensor itself there's a little mod plug and when you if you purchase one of these in the box you'll have a small whip with another plug on it the whip will have two wires attached to it plugging that into the mod plug will let you splice in the two wires from your hard wired terminal or from your hard wired contact and then you can program that into the system as a wireless own this can use both the magnetic reed switch and the hardwired terminals at the same time it's just that if you want to use the hardwired terminal part for the hardwired contact you have to program it in as loop one if you're going to use both the features from this contact it'll take up two different zones same serial number one is going to be the loop two for the magnetic reed switch and one is going to be loop one for the hard-wired contact so those are three ways that you can attach hardwired sensor or contacts to the gc3 system if you did enjoy the video go ahead and subscribe and if you want to be updated when we post new videos in the future hit the notification button and we'll send you an update when we do so if you have any questions about your system sensors or anything alarm related feel free to head on over to the website alarmgrid comm give us a call shoot us an email we hope you have a great day and thanks for watching
