Wiring a Trigger on a Lyric Alarm System
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This video is about Wiring a Trigger on a Lyric Alarm System.
hey DIY is dealing here with alarmgrid today we're going over how to wire a trigger into the lyric controller so kind of quickly to go off that there is not a way to wire trigger to the lyric controller the lyric does not have the proper hardwired zones for trigger the lyric does have two built-in hard-wired zones within the panel those are for normally closed contacts doors windows so those won't count as a trigger so don't when we they won't really work on how you'd want them to do it if you're trying to wire trigger so basically what a trigger is usually for is to sound an external wired siren for the system so basically when my panel sounds its alarm if it did have a trigger it would send power to a siren causing that sound to armed and sound as well well not armed to sound so this one not having a trigger there isn't really a way to set that up just right off the bat there are a couple options however so first option which doesn't really recommend too much but we found that this does work if you have a z-wave plug-in module such as a mi mo light or a linear z-wave plug in both of those will work with the system because there are both home automation devices most z-wave basically what you would do is you would set those up with the panel so you can wire an actual siren into that plug-in module so essentially you're creating a rule in the panel to trigger that z-wave device if the alarm is sounding and then that hence would trigger the actual external siren causing it to sound you would have to create another rule as well to shut off that device once the panel has been disarmed hence you know cutting power to the siren stopping the actual siren from bearing so you can do that if you want to have a external wired siren to the system it's a bit of a setup obviously because you know you're getting z-wave ice your wiring it in you're creating the rules for the alarm and the disarm but it has worked really the main way to setup a siren for the lyric that is recommended by Honeywell is by using the six siren so this is a wireless siren that is design specifically for the lyric it's encrypted and basically it has a LED indicating arm st. and it also will sound a siren as well so we do have a video showing how to program this but real quick I just want to kind of go over that as well so of course with programming and go to in tools you're gonna use your installer code ours is still default for one one two program zones and then I'm gonna pick the next new one so let's say seven and for all programming you're opening up the serial number option now the 6-iron no it's not like a door contact or anything which you can't just fault it and it will automatically program but you can't rip it will trip the tamper so to trip the tamper you take off the backplate and right here if you're able to see is the actual tamper switch so I'm gonna hold that down and release it and then I got the serial number there hold it down perfect so that has gone through there I'm just gonna confirm real quick than my serial number is matching which it is perfect so just match that to the actual serial number there and then by side wireless siren you can put your zone descriptors if you want so basically saying where this iron is and then supervised yes because I want to be alerted if this loses connection and report that means if it's gonna send a signal out to the Central Station as well usually that indicates the tamper doesn't really do too much obviously if the siren is sounding the alarm signal is going out for the other zones so yeah so you add that their front wireless siren is one number three what's the next one so when I press add new went to the next available one and then yeah so that's pretty much the recommended way to install a siren for your lyric system like I mentioned not really a trigger since it's more of a wireless siren encrypted so you're pretty good on that and then whenever this goes into alarm mode it's gonna send a signal to the siren having the siren sound and then display you know the proper LED color on there and then just to review real quick so if you wanted to do like an actual external siren wired siren you need a z-wave plug-in module you basically wire this iron into that module you'll pair the module with the the lyric system itself using the inclusion mode through automation and then after that you're gonna create rules basically one to provide power to that z-wave module if the alarm is sounding and then the second rule would be to kill power to that zero we've module once the system is disarmed so pretty easy setup it is a you know more steps but if you're really set on using external siren that's wired and that's really all you want to do obviously this wouldn't be going outside because it's meant for indoors that'd be a way that you can do it instead of them yeah that's essentially yet not really too much with that we do have more videos about the lyric about sirens we have a couple of epic hues as well about setting up you know the external siren as well if you wanna trick hose out check out our website alarmgrid comm WWE longer comm if you had just specific questions about the lyric siren monitoring anything like that feel free to send us email support at longren comm we do have more videos on our youtube channel of course if you did like this video please like and subscribe and hit the bell icon to be notified and really smart content my name is Dillon with alarmgrid thank you for watching
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