Honeywell SiX Heat Detectors

Monitoring your home or business for fires is extremely important. You never truly know when a fire will occur, and you will want to know if one happens while you are away. The best way to do this is to have fire detecting sensors integrated with your alarm system. This way, you can receive alerts from Total Connect 2.0 or whenever these sensors are activated. Both Total Connect 2.0 and can send you emails and text notifications in such situations.
If you have central station monitoring service, then it is possible for you to receive automatic emergency dispatch from your local fire department in the event of a fire. Your alarm system will respond to the activated sensor and send an outbound alert to a central monitoring station. A highly trained dispatcher will respond to this alert and notify the local authorities immediately. Please note that automatic emergency fire dispatch may be restricted in certain areas. Please check with your local jurisdiction to find out if there are any restrictions in your area.
Standalone heat sensors are sometimes preferred over smoke detectors. This is the case in rooms where false alarms could occur on standard smoke detectors. Any room that features high humidity or excessive dust is a good candidate for a standalone heat detecting sensor. This includes rooms like bathrooms where excessive moisture could prevent a smoke detector from working properly. This also applies to garages and attics with excessive dust that can interfere with these devices. Another good spot for a standalone heat sensor is a kitchen, as smoke from cooking food can activate a sensor.
A heat sensor can work in one of two ways. Some heat sensors use fixed temperature detection. This means that they will activate upon detecting an unusually high temperature that would normally only be present with a fire. For instance, a fixed temperature heat sensor might activate upon detecting a temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. There are also rate-of-rise heat detectors. These devices respond to unusually fast increases in temperature. A detected temperature increase of 10 degrees Fahrenheit in a single minute might activate a heat detector.
At the time of this writing, there is no standalone heat sensor that is part of the SiX Sensor Lineup. However, there are combination sensors that utilize heat detection. The SiXSMOKE offers smoke detection and heat detection. And the SiXCOMBO offers smoke, heat and CO detection all in one. These devices can both make great additions to your Lyric System based on your needs. If you need a standalone heat sensor, you might turn to the Honeywell 5809SS, which is also compatible with the Lyric Panel.
SiX Series Sensors can operate from more than 300 feet away from the wireless panel. These devices communicate at 2.4 GHz, and they utilize 128-bit AES encryption for added wireless security. This makes them suitable for nearly any application. You can purchase Honeywell SiX Heat Detectors from Alarm Grid.