2-Wire Smoke Detectors Product Manuals

DSC MXBase, MX916, MX926, MX936 - Install Guide - Dated 2022 R001

System Sensor - Technical Field Bulletin Life Expectancy of System Smoke Detectors - Dated 05/2012

Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat
detectors be located throughout a protected premise
following the recommendations of the current edition of
the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72,
National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), manufacturer’s
recommendations, state and local codes, and the
recommendations contained in Guide for the Proper Use of
System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no
charge to all installing dealers.

The Honeywell 4209U Install Guide teaches users how to set up and configure their Honeywell 4209U Universal Group Zoning Multiplex Module. The device lets a user add additional 2-wire smoke detector loops to their commercial VISTA Polling Loop Panel. Learn how to configure the Honeywell 4209 module.