Honeywell AlarmNet High Speed Format

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Tech Support Training
Updated on 10/9/07
Understanding High Speed Format
High speed format reports the account
number followed by 8 channels, and
a status channel. Channels 1 – 8 co
uld have one of the following
1 = New Event
2 = Opening (Status channel always = 2*)
3 = Restore
4 = Closing (Status channel always = 4*)
5 = Normal, no event to report
6 = Previously reported, not yet restored
*Note: Channel 1 will contain the user ID
1 – 9, A – F if Open/Close reporting is
The status channel might have
one of the following conditions:
1 = Duress (For Duress Pl
us Channels 9 – 15 Only)
2 = Opening
3 = Bypass (For Channels 1 – 8 only)
4 = Closing
5 = Supervisory/Trouble (For Channels 1 – 8 only)
6 = System Status
AC Loss in Channel 1
Low Battery in Channel 2
Time Set in Channel 3
Log Clear in Channel 3
Log 50% Full in Channel 3
Log 90% Full in Channel 3
Log Overflow in Channel 3
Power On Reset in Channel 4
Walk Test Start/End in Channel 8
7 = Normal Alarm Status (Channels 1 – 8 only)
9 = Test Report
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Tech Support Training
Updated on 10/9/07
Explanation of channels 9 – 15:
If there is a 1 in the
status channel, and:
1 in the first location = Duress
1 in Channels 9 – 15 = Zone alarm on
those channels (channels 9 – 15 are the
same as 2 – 8, depending on wh
at’s in the status channel)
3 in Channels 9 – 15 = Restore on those channels
6 in Channels 9 – 15 = Previously reported alarm-not restored
A typical high speed report
may look as follows:
1234 1555 5555 7 This is a new alarm on Channel 1
1234 1555 5555 1 This is a Duress report
1234 6555 5555 1 Previous Duress Alarm
1234 5555 5551 3 Bypass, Channel 8 (Bypass reports are channel 1 – 8 only)
1234 3444 4444 4 Closing user 3
1234 3222 2222 2 Opening user 3
1234 1555 5555 6 AC Loss
1234 3555 5555 6 AC Loss Restore
1234 5155 5555 6 Low Battery
1234 5355 5555 6 Low Battery Restore
1234 5515 5555 6 Program Tamper (Not Sys. Failure Alarm)
1234 5551 5555 6 Power Up Reset
1234 5555 5555 9 Test
1234 F222 2222 2 Cancel (looks like opening, User F)
of 2

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Document Transcript

Understanding High Speed Format
High speed format reports the account number followed by 8 channels, and a status channel. Channels 1 – 8 could have one of the following conditions:
1 = New Event 2 = Opening (Status channel always = 2*) 3 = Restore 4 = Closing (Status channel always = 4*) 5 = Normal, no event to report 6 = Previously reported, not yet restored *Note: Channel 1 will contain the user ID 1 – 9, A – F if Open/Close reporting is enabled.

The status channel might have one of the following conditions:
1 = Duress (For Duress Plus Channels 9 – 15 Only) 2 = Opening 3 = Bypass (For Channels 1 – 8 only) 4 = Closing 5 = Supervisory/Trouble (For Channels 1 – 8 only) 6 = System Status o AC Loss in Channel 1 o Low Battery in Channel 2 o Time Set in Channel 3 o Log Clear in Channel 3 o Log 50% Full in Channel 3 o Log 90% Full in Channel 3 o Log Overflow in Channel 3 o Power On Reset in Channel 4 o Walk Test Start/End in Channel 8 7 = Normal Alarm Status (Channels 1 – 8 only) 9 = Test Report


Tech Support Training Updated on 10/9/07

Explanation of channels 9 – 15:
If there is a 1 in the status channel, and: 1 in the first location = Duress 1 in Channels 9 – 15 = Zone alarm on those channels (channels 9 – 15 are the same as 2 – 8, depending on what’s in the status channel) 3 in Channels 9 – 15 = Restore on those channels 6 in Channels 9 – 15 = Previously reported alarm-not restored

A typical high speed report may look as follows:
1234 1555 5555 1234 1555 5555 1234 6555 5555 1234 5555 5551 1234 3444 4444 1234 3222 2222 1234 1555 5555 1234 3555 5555 1234 5155 5555 1234 5355 5555 1234 5515 5555 1234 5551 5555 1234 5555 5555 1234 F222 2222 7 1 1 3 4 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 2 This is a new alarm on Channel 1 This is a Duress report Previous Duress Alarm Bypass, Channel 8 (Bypass reports are channel 1 – 8 only) Closing user 3 Opening user 3 AC Loss AC Loss Restore Low Battery Low Battery Restore Program Tamper (Not Sys. Failure Alarm) Power Up Reset Test Cancel (looks like opening, User F)


Tech Support Training Updated on 10/9/07
