Resideo MWT TN-106 - VX1 Exhibiting Red LED - Dated 08/06/24

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First Alert CAMW-WDB - VX1 HD Video Doorbell by Resideo
First Alert CAMW-WDB
VX1 HD Video Doorbell by Resideo
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Our Price: $177.99

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Technical Notification #106
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Technical Notification #106



Video Doorbell Exhibits Red LED Following Installat

First Alert VX1 HD Video Doorbell (CAMW-WDB)

August 6, 2024

Dear Valued Customer,

Resideo recently determined that a limited number o
f our First Alert VX1 Video Doorbells may
exhibit a red LED light for extended periods of tim
e, following installation. While it is normal for
the doorbell's LED light to shift from red to amber
for a brief time following installation, the
duration that some customers are experiencing this
red LED Light is causing us to examine this

Our product's dependability is important to us, and
we recognize that this abnormality causes an
inconvenience during installation. We are investiga
ting this occurrence. To provide the product
experience that you know and trust, distributors ha
ve been asked to place the doorbell on sales

Requested next steps:


If you have a doorbell with this issue, please retu
rn it to the distributor where it was
purchased. You will receive a credit until new inve
ntory arrives.

If you have doorbells that have not been installed,
please return them to your
distributor for credit.

: Installed devices that are performing as designed
do not require attention or action.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause a
nd thank you for your continued support of
Resideo products. Resideo will provide additional u
pdates no later than Friday, August 9, 2024.
If you have any questions or require further assist
ance, please contact Resideo customer service
or Technical Support at


Product Marketing Team
Resideo Technologies, Inc.
