Can I Add a 5828 to the Honeywell Lyric Gateway?
The Lyric Gateway can support up to 8 wireless keypads, however, it currently only supports the LKP500 SiX Series keypad, and does not support the 5828 or 5828V.
The LKP500 is a fully encrypted, bi-directional SiX Series wireless keypad, currently only supported on the Lyric Controller, and the Lyric Gateway. It is supervised by its control panel, and sends a check-in signal to the panel at least once every 60 seconds. If the control panel doesn’t hear from the keypad for 200 seconds, it will put the supervision zone for that keypad into check, letting the end-user know there’s a problem. The Lyric Gateway can support up to 8 LKP500’s, and they are supervised on zones 850 through 857 respectively. The keypad comes with its own power adapter, and requires constant power to operate, though it also comes with its own backup battery, for times when AC power is lost. The LKP500 can announce system status, and arming status, and give chime sounds, but it will not perform voice chime, where it speaks the descriptor of the zone being faulted. This feature may be added in later revisions, but currently is not supported.
The 5828 and 5828V keypads, are bi-directional, but they use a House ID protocol in order to receive status messages from the panel. This bi-directional protocol is currently not supported on the Lyric Gateway, though this may change in the future. These keypads can operate on battery only, or AC with battery as backup. When powered by AC, they behave just like any wired keypad, staying lit and constantly showing status. When powered by battery only, the keypad will go to sleep after a few seconds of inactivity, to preserve battery life, and require some input to wake up, either a key press, or information from the panel, such as the start of entry delay, or an alarm. The 5828V can perform voice chime, on systems that support its use.
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