Can I Convert a Wired Alarm Into a Wireless Alarm?
Yes, you can convert a wired alarm into a wireless alarm. With a wired to wireless converter, you can bring wired sensors to a wireless system and use them as wireless devices. To complete this transition, you will need a wired to wireless converter module and a compatible wireless panel.
The original security systems always used hardwired devices. But in more recent years, wireless alarm systems have become more prominent. Many users who upgrade from an older hardwired system to a newer wireless system wonder if there is a way to bring their existing hardwired sensors to their new wireless panel. This is possible by using a wired to wireless converter. By going this route, a user can save money by not having to purchase all-new wireless sensors for their security system.
The way a wired to wireless converter works is very simple. Hardwired sensors will connect at zone terminals on the wired to wireless converter. The wired to wireless converter then enrolls with the wireless panel as a wireless device. You can then go through and enroll each connected wired sensor with the wireless panel. As far as the panel is concerned, the wired sensors will all be recognized as wireless sensors. Each wired sensor will use its own wireless zone on the new system.
There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using this type of setup. Most wired to wireless converters will require that the wired sensors have end of line resistors (EOLR). Depending on the converter module you are using, it may be possible to calibrate the unit so that it accepts the existing resistor values. This can save you the trouble of having to swap out the resistors for different ones. But some converter modules will require you to use resistors of a specific value, and you may need to swap the old ones out. Refer to the manual of your wired to wireless converter for more information.
It is also important to note that wired to wireless converters transmit signals at specific radio frequencies. You must get a wired to wireless converter that is compatible with the wireless panel you are using. Some examples of popular wired to wireless converter modules include the Honeywell 5800C2W for 345 MHz panels, the Qolsys IQ Hardwire 16-F for 319.5 MHz systems, and the DSC PG9WLSHW8 for all versions of the Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus. In most cases, the wired to wireless converter can be installed in the previous location of the wired panel. This way, all of the wired sensors can be conveniently connected at the same spot as before. The wireless panel can then go in a central location to provide the best wireless coverage for all sensors and other devices being used.
While using a wired to wireless converter is the most common way to convert a wired system into a wireless system, there is technically another way to accomplish this. Most wired panels have compatible wireless receivers that can be added to support true wireless sensors. You would then have a hybrid security system that can support both wired and wireless devices. But most users won't go out of their way to do this, as they will still be using the same old wired panel as before, and it won't really change the way they use their security system. Most users prefer to get a wired to wireless converter and a compatible wireless panel, due to the fact that the new panel will likely offer more advanced features that weren't possible with the old wired panel. The wired to wireless converter simply saves the user money by allowing them to continue using their existing wired sensors with their new wireless system.
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