Can I Disable the Internal Siren on an Interlogix Simon XTi or XTi-5?

Yes, you can disable the internal siren on an Interlogix Simon XTi or XTi-5. Doing this requires the system's Installer Code. The option for disabling the siren is found within the Siren Options menu of system programming. Simply uncheck the "Panel Piezo Alarm" option to disable the siren.

If you want to disable the siren for an Interlogix Simon XTi or XTi-5 System, complete the following steps on your system:

1. Enter siren options. From the home screen of the Simon XTi or XTi-5 System, press the gear icon in the lower-right corner. Use the down arrow on the right side of the touchscreen display to scroll down to the "Programming" option. Click the "Enter" button next to programming. You must then enter in the Installer Code for the system. This code is set to 4321 by default. After entering in the code, press the "OK" button. Then select "Siren Options". This will take you into the Siren Options menu.

2. Disable the siren. Find the option called "Panel Piezo Alarm". There should be a white box next to this option. By clicking this box, you can toggle the siren on or off. If the box has a green checkmark inside it, then the internal siren is currently enabled. But if the box is empty, then the internal siren is currently disabled. In this case, you should leave the box unchecked since you want to disable the siren. After doing this, make sure that all of the other siren settings are correct. Once you have confirmed all of the siren settings, press the "Save" button in the upper-right corner. This will save any changes that were made.

3. Exit programming. Click the "Close" button in the upper-right corner of the touchscreen display. This will exit programming and return you to the main menu. The internal siren for the system should not sound the next time that the system experiences an alarm event.

Please note that settings for hardwired external sirens may still need to be adjusted if you want those disabled as well.

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