Can a wired Honeywell Panel use wireless sensors?

You have an existing wired Honeywell alarm system but you want to install some new wireless sensors? Yes, it's possible and fairly simple! First, you will need to purchase a wireless receiver (AKA radio frequency or RF). You can choose between the following 2 options:

  1. Install a keypad with a built-in RF module: Honeywell 6160RF or Honeywell 6150RF.The benefit of going with a keypad with RF is that you get more capabilities out of your purchase. If you do not already have an alphanumeric keypad for programming, the 6160RF is your best choice due to its ability to program zones, serve as a keypad to arm/disarm and receive signals from up to 40 wireless zones depending on the system. The 6150RF is a great choice if you would like to have another keypad near a door where there is not one already but you already have an alphanumeric keypad for programming and do not intend to install more than 16 wireless zones. Both keypads must be hard wired using a standard 4 conductor cable back to the panel - 2 for power and 2 for power. Also, it is imperative to note that only these keypads are capable of receiving wireless signals.The 6160, 6160V, 6150, and 6150V do NOT serve this function.
  2. Install a standalone wireless receiver: Honeywell 5881ENL (8 zones), Honeywell 5881ENM (16 zones), Honeywell 5881ENH (unlimited), Honeywell 5881ENHC (commercial fire & burglary), Honeywell 5883H (transceiver module). First you need to determine how many wireless zones you plan on having. If you are unsure it is best to play it safe and go with the receivers that are "unlimited". Unlimited in this case truly means that you are unlimited by the receiver but limited to the amount of available zones besides the hard wire zones. In most cases, you can have up 40 wireless zones assuming there are no more than 8 hard wired to the panel.

Once you determine which wireless receiver best fits your systems needs it is recommended to consider the wireless range of the furthest wireless sensor placement. The standard range for any Honeywell 5800 series wireless device is 200 nominal feet to the nearest RF receiver. The Honeywell 5800RP wireless repeater can double that range up to 400 nominal feet assuming that you place the device approximately 200 feet from the closest receiver.

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