Can an L5200 be a z-wave controller w/o monitoring?

The Honeywell L5200 LYNX Touch alarm system can be setup as a z-wave controller without monitoring. You will need purchase and install the L5100-ZWAVE module in order to enroll any Z-wave device. The panel cover swings open and the card will slide onto the left side of the board. This module will support up to 40 z-wave light switches/receptacles, 3 z-wave thermostats, 4 z-wave door locks.

Once a device is enrolled with the L5200 you will be able to configure scenes, rules and schedules. They serve to automate the execution of several commands to several z-wave devices at once based on security actions (i.e. arming/disarming), sensor faults (i.e. motion detection), and/or time of the day (i.e. specific times). There are new scheduling features with this panel that allow you to trigger scenes based on local sunset/sunrise and randomization for vacation mode.

There are varying enrolling processes. You will need to first power up the peripheral z-wave unit. Then click the automation icon on the L5200 in order to 'include' the device in automation programming. Each device has slightly different pairing steps so follow the z-wave device manufacturer's instructions to make the virtual connection and ID the unit. Generally, there is an ID button or sequence of button presses in the case of a light switch that will successfully join your devices.

The L5200 supports remote home automation control via the Total Connect 2.0 app which can be used on any smartphone, tablet or computer. We offer the remote automation add-on for $10 per month with our Self-monitoring and Monitoring Plus+ no contract monitoring plans. It will allow you to create and execute scenes and discretely control specific z-wave devices like a Honeywell ZWSTAT z-wave thermostat. However if you would simply like to set the scenes in the panel ahead of time and let them do their thing that is totally fine as well.

Z-wave technology is an exponentially growing concept that has been accepted by companies like GE and Leviton. It is not a fad and will be here for the long haul. Start building your home automation system without all the proprietary controllers that require costly programming and maintenance. Simply swap out your lights, locks and thermostats with z-wave ready devices and bring your alarm system into the future. You can start small with a single door lock or thermostat. Then build your automation system over time.

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