Can My Honeywell LYNX Touch Security System Send Me a Text Message When Triggered?

Yes, your Honeywell LYNX Touch Security System can send you a text message when triggered. However, these texts messages are not sent from the system itself. Instead, Total Connect sends these messages. Total Connect is an interactive service platform that syncs with Honeywell panels.

Any Honeywell LYNX Touch Panel with an IP or cellular connection is capable of accessing Total Connect. The user will need to sign up for an alarm monitoring plan that includes Total Connect access. After the user signs up for monitoring, the monitoring company will send the user an important email. This email will outline the process for creating a Total Connect account. The user will follow these instructions so that they can access Total Connect. The instructions are very easy to follow, and most users have no trouble setting up their account.

The user can then choose to receive text and email alerts from Total Connect. This is true for both customers who receive central station monitoring and those who are self-monitored. The user can then take the appropriate action based upon the event that has occurred. When a system event occurs, a signal will be sent from the LYNX Touch panel to the Total Connect server. Total Connect will then pass the information onto the user's phone through a text message. This is very convenient for users who want to know about any faulted zones or activity regarding their security system.

Users can also use Total Connect to control their system. Total Connect allows users to arm and disarm their system, check the status of any sensors, operate home automation devices and view any video cameras that they have set up. By using the Total Connect mobile app, all these actions can be done from a remote location. Many Honeywell users get Total Connect just for this incredible remote access and control.

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