Can the Honeywell L5200 support Z-Wave receptacles?
The Honeywell L5200 LYNX Touch wireless alarm system will support z-wave receptacles. Just to clarify, a z-wave receptacle is a "z-wave ready" electrical outlet. A receptacle that "speaks z-wave" has a built in RF receiver that will respond to any command sent on the z-wave RF frequency. The Honeywell L5100-ZWAVE module is a z-wave controller that connects to the left side of the L5200 board. This controller supports up to 40 z-wave light switches / receptacles, 3 z-wave thermostats, 4 z-wave door locks.
A z-wave receptacle is a great way to control any electronics or powered appliances. Traditionally you would need a fancy IR or RF remote to toggle power to powered devices in your home or business. Forget all the bells and whistles and install a z-wave receptacle anywhere you would like one touch power toggling control from anywhere in the world.
Yes, the L5200 supports not only local z-wave control through the touchscreen display keypad but also remotely via the Total Connect 2.0 app. The remote home automation feature can be added to any Total Connect account which is offered with our Self-monitoring and Monitoring Plus+ no contract monitoring plans. For only an additional $10 per month, you will be able to integrate your mesh network of z-wave devices with your security systems.
Create scenes to be triggered by security events such arming away or motion detection on a specific zone. More importantly, you have the ability to discretely control individual z-wave devices from the palm of your hand. Initiate a "cool down" scene on your way home from the airport in the summertime. Open your z-wave door lock for your contractor to get in the home when you are at work. The possibilities are endless and z-wave technology is not going anywhere.
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