Does a 5800COMBO Do Low-Temp & Freeze Detection Like the 5808W3?

Yes, a 5800COMBO does do low-temperature and freeze detection like the 5808W3. The Honeywell 5800COMBO will perform this function when it is set to loop number 3 within zone programming. Setting the correct loop number is very important on a multi-function sensor like the 5800COMBO.

Honeywell 5808w3 wireless smoke and heat detector

The function that a 5800COMBO will perform is determined by both the loop number and the serial number that the device is assigned. This information for a 5800COMBO is set within zone programming. In order for the sensor to perform multiple functions, it will need to be programmed with multiple zones. Each zone must be assigned the proper serial number and loop number. Most 5800COMBO devices are assigned to four different wireless zones on a single alarm panel. The purpose for each zone is as follows:

  1. Smoke and Heat Detection
  2. Carbon Monoxide Detection
  3. Low-Temperature and Freeze Detection
  4. Maintenance

The low-temperature and freeze detection function on the 5800COMBO works in the same way as that of a 5808W3 sensor. The sensor will alert the system when the device detects a temperature of 41°F or lower. However, the system will not acknowledge this situation until it receives a check-in signal from the sensor. This could take up to 90 minutes after the sensor recognizes the low temperature. The problem will clear itself once the sensor detects a higher temperature.

Please note that the 5800COMBO will not provide any sort of additional warning when the sensor has detected freezing temperatures (32°F and lower). However, when the sensor detects a temperature of 41°F or lower, that is a serious situation, and it indicates that the problem should be dealt with as soon as possible. We also strongly recommend pairing this sensor with the Total Connect service. That way, the user can receive an email and text alert when the 5800COMBO detects a very low temperature that could cause damage to the building.

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