Does Alarm Grid Give Yard Signs To Monitored Customers?

Yes, Alarm Grid does provide a yard sign to monitored customers at no charge. Alarm Grid's yard signs are easy to read and very durable. During activation ask the technician for a yard sign or email our tech team at and one will be shipped to you immediately.

Security yard signs play an important role in deterring burglars during their process in selecting a home to burglarize. Usually burglars will scope a neighborhood before they break in looking for the easiest target. Statistics show a burglar will usually pass on a home that clearly has an alarm system by seeing yard signs and window stickers. Placing a yard sign at the front entrance of a home or business, 18 - 24 inches above ground, with the monitoring company information facing towards the line of traffic will be easily noticed. As a rule of thumb, a yard sign should be placed at every point of entry. Back doors, side doors, garage doors, also detached garages should have a yard sign. Additional yard signs can be purchased if needed.

The first step in preventing a break in is to have yard signs and window stickers, but the best way to protect your loved ones and valuables is to install a monitored security system.

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